Chapter 12

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Luke's POV

After the rest of us change into our costumes, we get on stage to perform. Looking out at all the people in the crowd is amazing. They're all waiting to hear us play. My nerves have completely disappeared all I feel is adrenaline.

"This is it boys." I say. "Our very first performance together."

"We're gonna rock it!" Reggie smiles. I smile back at him. He looks so cute in his pizza costume. His face peeked out of the head whole by the crust and a lock of his chocolate brown hair peeked out above his eyes that glistened in the light.

The noise in the audience simmers down and Alex counts is off to begin.

We start playing, and my heart is racing a billion beats per second. The lights feel warm on my skin as they shin down on me and as the audience dances along to our music, I can't help but feel so blissful. This is why I love playing, I love making people have something they can listen to and enjoy, to relate to. To have that one song that makes a difference to them. I want to make a difference to people.

Out in the crowd I see my dad who seems to be enjoying the band. My heart flies when I see him smile at me. Excitement filled inside me. I've never felt more alive in my life. This...this is where I want to be. On stage with my best friends, my second family...hell their just my family. This is what matter most to me.

I look over to where Reggie is, and he's so hot singing into that microphone, bouncing up and down like a pogo-stick. He has the same smile on his face as I do. This is our dream. I nod my head over to invite him over to my mic, which he accepts greatly. He skips over and we sing into one microphone together. We were so close we could be kissing, I wish we were.

Our voices mixed together in one harmony and I didn't want this moment to end, but unfortunately the last note of the song rang out and the audience erupted in a roar of cheers and applause.

Me and Reggie are still staring at each other as the crowd cheers. Thankfully I snap out of it and I turn to face the crowd. My eyes grow wide as they continue to cheer for us. I grab Reggie's shoulder and turn him towards the crowd too.

I think all of us are in shock from the audience's response. I lean into the mic and say "Thank you, we're Sunset Curve!"

"Tell your friends." Reggie chimes in, leaning into the microphone himself. He is so cute as he smiles and we hop of the stage.

"That was amazing guys!" Alex says.

"Yeah Alex, you were outstanding on that drum solo." Reggie says.

"Oh...ha really it was nothing. You guys were the ones rocking it." Alex says sheepishly.

"Babe, you killed it!" Bobby says. "Wanna head to my place to crash for the night?"

"Yeah, thanks." Alex says.

Alex and Bobby walk off and I rub Reggie's shoulders. He looks back at me and smiles.

"Boys, you were great up there." My dad says I'm so happy he thinks so. At least one of my parents are proud of me.

"Thanks." I say. "Hey can me and Reg go get some street dogs from Sam and Ella's?" I ask.

"Sure. And I'll come by to give you both a ride home."

"Oh, that's fine I don't-" Reggie begins to protest.

"It's dark outside, I'm not letting you walk home." My dad says. "I'll even drive you to the park to get streetdogs."

So we go out to my dad's car and me and Reggie get in the back and he drives us to the park.

In the car Reggie slips out of his pizza costumes, his hair stuck to the side of his face with sweat.

"It was so hot in there." He says. I smile at him, I can't help it. Whenever I look at him I want to smile. He is everything.

My dad stops the car and me and Reggie hop out and head towards Sam and Ella's streetdog stand.

"Hello boys." Sam greets us. "How was the gig?"

"Awesome." I say. "The audience loves us."

Reggie chuckles and I can feel his eyes on me. I look over at him and smile.

Sam went over to the grill to put two hotdogs on for us and my gaze was stuck on this beautiful boy infront of me.

Sam returns moments later with our streetdogs and hands them to us. We start putting condiments on them and Sam is watching us.

"Hey Luke, about what we talked about last week..." he starts.

"I uh....I haven't done it yet." I say clearing my throat trying to communicate I don't really want to talk about this.

"Do what?" Reggie asks squirting some mustard in his dog.

"Don't worry about it." I say. "Thanks for the streetdogs." I say to Sam.

"Of course." Sam says. "Just don't forget that advice I gave you." He says with a smirk.

I nod my head and me and Reggie go find a park bench to sit on.

Reggie's POV

Me and Luke sat on a park bench eating our streetdogs and I am thinking about the performance. More specially, the part where me and Luke shared a microphone. I loved being so close to him, I loved singing with him. I loved all of it.

Maybe...maybe I should just tell him how I feel. I won't be able to hold my feelings in for much longer if this continues anyway.

I take a deep breath. Here goes our whole friendship. "L-Luke?" I say. "I need to tell you something." I say.

"Alright, what's up?" Luke asks looking up from his streetdog, giving me his full focus.

"I um.... I really-"

"Reginald!" I hear my fathers voice yell. My heart drops. I am in huge trouble. I haven't been home in over a week. I've been spending the night at Luke's or up in the tree house. I was hoping he'd never find me, that he wouldn't care enough to look. I guess I was wrong about that like I am about most things. As he approaches us, I stand up figuring it would save him from yanking me up anyway. "Where have you been!" He shouts in my face. I can't believe this is happening here, in public, and infront of Luke.

"I um....I have been spending the night at L-Luke's." I stammer.

"All week?!" My father asks. "You made them put up with you all week!?"

"I um...."

"It really wasn't a problem at all." Luke speaks up. "My parents actually really like Reggie. They say he's their favorite friend of mine."

My dad snorts. "He's not anybody's favorite anything." He says grabbing my wrist a little too tightly. I have to try and not let the pain show, not infront of Luke. "Come on we're going home."

Luke gives me a worried glance as my dad begins to drag me away. "I'll see you at school on Monday!" I say, putting on a fake smile while waving. "Treehouse in one hour." I mouth to him so my dad doesn't hear. Before I can catch a response from him my dad shoves me in his car and we drive off.

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