Chapter 5

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Reggie's POV

I finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird again. I just couldn't put it down, I forgot how much I love this book. Author Radely, or Boo, was my favorite character. No one understood him and no one ever tried, but he was actually a good person. And what happened to Tom was so unfair, we all know very well he was innocent. I don't understand why the jury came to a guilty verdict, it just doesn't make sense to me. He was clearly innocent.

I look over at the time and realize I was going to be late for school. I get out of bed, everything still very sore, and as quick as I can I change my clothes. I throw on a black t-shirt, my red flannel, and my leather jacket with black ripped jeans.

I look at myself in the mirror and see a giant bruise on the side of my face.  Great.

I sigh and try to think of an exuse since I couldn't just hide it. Maybe I fell out of bed, or maybe that Jason kid hit me again? No, I couldn't blame him for something he didn't do, that's unfair. I guess I'll just have to make it believable that I fell off my bed.

I head downstairs as quite as I can, skipping the last creaky step. I grab my bag and put my book in it for the test and head to school.

Luke's POV

I was exhausted. I haven't gotten a wink of sleep in two days, but I'm not complaining because that means the faceless man didn't show up.

I shove my journal in my bag and head out to go to school.

I am so happy it's Friday, it's been a long week.  I meet Alex and Bobby by the lockers where we usually meet.

"Hey." Alex says.

"Hey." I say sleepily.

"Dude you look exhausted." Bobby says.

I am exhausted. I want to sleep but sleeping means seeing the faceless man. I don't want to see him, so I don't sleep.

"I'm fine." I say. "So after school today do you guys wanna go to the studio and work on it more?"

"Yeah sure." Bobby says.

"I'm down." Alex says.

"Nice." I say. Just then, Reggie comes up to us and I can't help but notice the giant bruise on his face.

"Hey guys." He says.

"Hey, what happened?" I ask.

"Oh, this?" He says pointing to his face. "I just um, I feel outta bed this morning." He says with a slight laugh to hid the fact it was a lie.

But if he didn't fall out of bed, then what really happened? And why wouldn't he tell the truth?

"Well do you wanna come over to the studio after school?" Alex asks.

"Sorry, I can't." Reggie says, without a reason to follow.

The bell rings for first period and kids start rustling to their classes.

"See ya in English." Bobby says.

Bobby and Alex walk off to their separate class and me and Reggie head to math.

I still doubted that he fell off his bed, but what else could have happened?

"Morning boys." Mr. Turner says as we walked through the door. For once I wasn't late. "Good to see you here on time Luke." He smiles at me. He looked at Reggie with concern. "What happened to your face?"

"Oh um, I just fell out of bed this morning." Reggie says. "It's fine really, can't even feel it."

"Alright, well take your seats." He says. Me and Reggie head to the back and sit down.

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