Chapter 13

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Reggie's POV

My dad drags me into the house, throwing me inside. I stumble over my own two feet and fall to the ground. Before I can get up myself, my father yanks me up.

"Why the hell didn't you come home!?" He demands.

"I-I uh...." I start. "You said not to."

"For the weekend, not for the whole week!" He say hitting me across the head and letting me go. I look back up at him and he immediately hits me again. My cheek stings with pain but I tell myself what I always do, whether it's true or not. It'll all be okay. "You're an even bigger idiot than your mother for getting pregnant."

I keep my eyes on the floor just waiting for this over so I can go to my room and wait to go meet up with Luke. I really don't want to sleep here tonight. I don't care if my dad finds out and beats me over again tomorrow after school.

"I-I'm sorry." I say, but of course, apologizing is never enough for my dad. He does his usual amount of beatings and drags me to my room, locking the door.

I immediately rush to the window, slide it open and hop out. I sprint all the way to the tree Luke took me to the other day. I climb up the latter to an empty treehouse. Of course he isn't here, why would he come? I feel my chest start to tighten up and my body start to shake. I should have known he wouldn't be here.

I head back to the trap door to head back down the ladder when it flies open.

I take a few giant steps back, fearing my dad had followed me. But instead of my dad's anger scowl I saw Luke's worried gaze.

"Hey, it's just me." He says taking one small step forward . "Are you okay?"

Luke's POV

I get in my dad's car, my mind only on one thing- Reggie. He seemed terrified at the sound of his dads voice. I am afraid something is going on at home that's he's not opening up about.

"Where's Reggie?" My dad asks.

"His uh, his dad picked him up." I say.

"Oh alright." My dad says. He drives us home, he's talking about who knows what. I wasn't paying attention, I was only thinking about Reggie.

As soon as I got home I sat at my desk and stared at the clock, waiting for the time to come to go meet Reggie.

Finally the clocks strikes ten forty five which gives me fifteen minutes to meet Reggie. That's ample amount of time. I slide up my window, hop out and go around to the front of my house. I hop on my bike and pedal as fast as I can to the treehouse.

I climb up the latter and I can already hear Reggie up there crying. I open the door, the first thing I'm intending to do is hug Reggie, but I think I ended scaring him because he jumps back.

"Hey, it's just me." I say taking a small step forward. "Are you okay?" That was a stupid question, not only is it obvious he's not okay, it opens up the door for him to just lie and says he is.

"Luke." He sniffles, whipping his tears as if to pretend he was never crying. "Y-you came."

"Yeah, of course." I say. "You say you need me somewhere, I'll be there, always."

Reggie wraps his arms around my torso and hugs me tightly.

"Reggie, what happened-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"No." He says. "I don't want to talk about it."  He pulls away from me.

"Reg, what happened after you got home?" I ask. I am afraid that his dad may have hurt him. The fear in his eyes when he heard his voice back in the park says it all. He's afraid of his own father, and my mind can only wonder to the darkest places of why.

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