Chapter 11

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Wowwww my second update of the day. Hope you all enjoy :)

Luke's POV

Its been a week since I chickened out on telling Reggie how I really feel about him. I told him I am pan instead, which is true. I just wish I told him I am in love with him. Who am I kidding, it would only end with the end of our friendship.

Halloween is tomorrow and the band actually has a gig! It's our first one and I'm so excited. This is just the first step to our dream, my dream, coming true. I've been thinking about what my bandmates told me and I think I might just invite my parents to come. It would mean the world for them to come and support me, so hopefully they agree to come.

Me and Reggie walk home from school together. He's staying at my house this weekend. He's been coming over a lot recently, and I real enjoy having him over, but it seems like he keeps making up excuses to be anywhere but home. I mean, I get it. He says his dad is constantly banging some random collage student. I wouldn't want to be home either.

We walk into my house and sit our school stuff down.

"You hungry?" I ask as I head into the kitchen to get a snack myself.  "I think we have some left over pizza from yesterday." I say as I open the fridge.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Reggie says. I pop some pizza slices in the oven to reheat and hop on the counter to wait for it to be done will me and Reggie look over the song we are singing tomorrow. It's called Haunted. We wrote it specially for Halloween. We are going to wear our Halloween costumes when we play it to. I'm going as a zombie, Reggie's going as pizza, Alex is going as a vampire, and Bobby is going as Frankenstein.

Reggie quietly sung the song while tapping the beat on the counter. I can't help but watch, he is so cute. I should really take Sam and Ella's advice and tell him how I feel, but I'm afraid. I'm fine with just being his friend for the rest of our lives, no matter how much it hurts that I can't express how much I love him.

Just then the door swings open and my mom walks in. "Hey boys." She says. "Luke get off the counter." She tells me. I quickly jump down, not looking to argue. The better mood she's in, the better chance she'll come to the gig tomorrow.

"Hi Mrs. Patterson!" Reggie smiles and waves. "Thanks for letting me stay the weekend."

"Yeah of course." She smiles. Good, it seems like she's in a good mood.

Alright here goes nothing. I just have to tell her about the gig and ask her to come. No big deal right?

"What are you boys doing?" She asks.

"Just heating up some pizza." I say.  I'm not ready to ask her yet. I should wait until my dad gets home to ask them both together.  Yeah, that's when I'll do it.

The oven beeps signaling the pizza is ready. I grab an oven mitt, open the oven door, and take out the pizza. I get down some plates and me and Reggie grab some pizza.

"What are you're plans for the weekend?" My mom asks.

"We're going to play at the cafe around the block." Reggie smiles excitedly. "It's the band's first gig."

I sigh, realizing I forgot to tell Reggie not to mention the band not knowing how my mom would react.

"This again?" My mom sighs in disappointment. "Lucas, I told you that it's just a waste of time."

Of course those words stung. They always did. It doesn't matter how many times she says it, every time it hurts. It fact, it just hurts more the more she says it.

"It's not a waste of time." I say, trying not to raise my voice. I was not about to get in yet another fight with my mom, and definitely not in front of Reggie. There's nothing more he hates than fighting. "If you would just come-"

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