Chapter 2

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Reggie's POV

As much as I like that I have the chance to reconnect with Luke again, because boy did I miss him, I don't want to ruin his life. Everything I touch crumbles into a million pieces. Even if someone could put those pieces back together, it would never be the same again. Luke seems happy with his new friend Alex and his new life here. I don't want to ruin it like I ruined my parents' relationship. I am already afraid of getting between him and Alex.

"Luke, we talked about being late." The teacher says when we walk into class. I was about to speak up saying it was my fault but Luke beat me to it.

"Sorry Mr. Turner, I was just helping Reggie out, he's new." Luke says.

"Alright, thank you, that's very nice of you." The teacher says. "Reggie, you can take a seat next to Luke."

Me and Luke sit down in the second to last row.

"Sorry." I whisper to him.

"For what?" He whispers, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"For making you late." I say.

"Dude, I told you don't worry about it, it's cool." Luke says with a smile. "Mr. Turner isn't even mad. When he's mad you'll know it, trust me."

I nod and give a slight smile. I still felt bad for making him late. I mean, not that he was ever on time (at least when I knew him) but I don't want to get him in trouble.


Mr. Turner is super nice, unlike all my other teachers at my old school. He actually taught in a way that made sense and didn't make me feel stupid for asking questions, in fact he encouraged questions. I hope all my classes are like this.

The bell rings and kids get up from their seats and start filing out of the classroom.

"What class do you have next?" Luke asks.

"Um.... English." I say looking at my schedule. "With Miss Breon."

"Ah man, I got English with Mrs. Burner." Luke says. "I can still take you to your class though. Can I see your schedule?"

I hand him my schedule and he takes out a highlighter and begins to highlight a couple of things. He hand it back to me and three classes are highlighted. The one we just had, and two more at the end.

"I highlighted the classes we have together."  Luke says. "We also have lunch together."

"Alright." I nod looking at my schedule.

"Alright, come on I'll show you the way to English. It's actually on the way to my class. Right next door, so after class just wait for me outside the classroom."

I nod. "Okay." I say. So the two of us head to our next classes.

Luke's POV

I was a little sad Reggie doesn't have next period with me, but at least I have it with Alex and Bobby.

As we walk, I can't help but notice how quite Reggie was being. Normally he was always talking, he never ran out of something to say.  I enjoyed hearing his Star Wars therios and I honestly missed his rants about Star Wars. He just wasn't the same person I knew back then, and I was beginning to worry.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Reggie asks looking up from the floor.

"I mean are you okay?" I ask. "You seems so.... different form when I left. Quieter. Is it about your parents splitting up?"

" I mean maybe a little." He says. "But I'm alright."

"Are you?" I ask, not believing him. There's just this look in his eyes, I can't describe it but it's deffintly not the look of "I'm alright".  Something's up, and I'm really starting to worry about my old friend.

He smiles and nods. "Yeah, yeah I'm great." He says.

"Alright well here's your class." I say. "See you after class."

"Yeah, thanks." Reggie says.

I walk into English class and sit next to Alex, who was sitting behind Bobby.

"Hey guys." I say.

"Dude, where were you?" Bobby asks.

Oh shoot I completely forgot I always meet them to go to class together.

"I'm sorry, I was-"

"With the new kid?" Alex asks, holding back obvious annoyance. I can't blame him for being afraid I'd forget about him, but still it annoys me just a little.

"Yeah, I was just showing him to his next class." I say. "And is it okay he sits with us at lunch? I mean....the cafeteria is pretty intimidating with a bunch of people swarming around, and he doesn't know anyone."

"He seems to know you pretty well." Alex says. He turns to Bobby. "Luke and the new kid were friends before he moved here and now he moved here too." He explains.

"Oh that's so cool." Bobby says. "I'm glad you got to meet again. I think you've told us about him maybe."

"I might have." I shrug. "So is it okay he sits with us?"

"Of course." Bobby says. 

"Yeah ...yeah I guess it's fine." Alex says.

"Alex, I promise I'm not gonna forget about you." I say. He only nods in response and the teacher walks in to start class.

Hopefully at lunch Reggie and Alex get along. I mean, they aren't the people you'd typically think would get along very well. Alex is very.... structured. He likes plans and he thinks everything through. He's kinda serrisous, he doesn't like doing things that feel stupid or weird. Reggie is the polar opposite. He's spontaneous and he likes to just jump right into things and if they fail and go off the rails he just laughs it off and tries again. I actually admire how when he makes a mistake he's able to just laugh at himself. I certainly can't do that. Also Reggie is all about doing weird random things and it honestly always made life more fun and interesting.

I look at the clock. After this class there was one more class before lunch. I couldn't wait for Bobby and Alex to officially meet Reggie. I hope that the four of us can all be friends, that would be amazing.

I'm not to worried about Bobby getting along with him, I'm more worried about Alex. I just hope their opposite personalities don't clash. They say opposites attract, let's hope that's true.

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