Chapter 15

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FLASHBACK -1980 Julie's POV (Reggie and Hadley are both 1, turning 2)

I was visiting my friend Rose with the babies. It was a nice way to get away from Mathew.

We sat at an outdoor cafe and I hand her Hadley so she can hold her daughter. She giggles and smiles and Rose kisses her cheek. "Hi Hadley." She says.

"Mama!" Reggie fusses.  I take him out of his stroller and kiss him on the forehead.

"What's wrong baby?" I say rocking him. "Are you hungry?" I rub his back because that always seems to calm him down.

"Jules, thanks again for taking care of Hadley." Rose says. "My parents let me move back in, it's like it never happened, and I know she's safe with you."

"But they're not. Reggie and Hadley are not safe. Mathew is a terrible man." I say. I don't want to say it, but I am afraid of him.  I am convinced that if he wanted to, he could murder me and get away with it. Then I wouldn't be able to protect the kids. "He yells at them for crying, but they're just babies. He hit Reggie today, a baby. The man hit a baby."

"I- I'm so sorry Julie." Rose says. "I tried to convince my parents to let you stay with us, but ever since my Papi found out that we are dating -"

"I get it." I say. "At least they didn't kick you out for being pan."

"I'm so sorry Julie." Rose says.

"It's fine." I say.  Reggie by now has stopped fusing and was asleep on my shoulder "But I'm glad to see you. I'm glad Hadley gets to see you."

"Oh...Julie I need to tell you something." Rose says. "My family....we're moving."

"What?" I ask in shock. Rose is my only friend, hell she's my girlfriend. I love her, I don't want her to go.

"I'm so sorry, but I don't have a choice in this." She says. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too." I say a tear forming in my eye. "So will Hadley."

"I'm gonna miss her too. Give her my love for me."

"I have been every day." I say as the tears escape my eyes. I set Reggie back in the stroller and Rose sets Hadley in the other part of the two seated stroller and we hug, crying on each other's shoulders.

"I'll never forget you Julie."

"I'll never forget you either Rose." I cry. "I promise that you'll see Hadley again."

"Thanks." Rose says and we kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say. "I should probably get back before Mathew realizes I'm gone."

"Stay safe." Rose says.

"As safe as I can be." I say. "But I'll die protect these kids."

"You're a great mother." She says. "And you're strong. You have what it takes to fight that b*stard. If he tries to kill you, you kill him first."

We part ways and as soon as I walk in the front door Mathew starts yelling at me.

"Where the hell where you!?" He shouts.

"Out." I say, my voice going dry.  Reggie and Hadley began to fuss again from when he shouted.

"Out where!?" He shouts.

"Mathew please, don't shout you'll scare the babies." I say.

"I don't give a f*ck about those little sh*ts!" He shouts. "Now tell me where the hell were you and why aren't the dishes done!?"

"I'll do them now." I say. "I just have to feed-"

"Those little sh*ts can wait until we're done!" He says grabbing my arms and pulling me over to him. "But I told you not to leave the house and you disobeyed me." He hold my wrist with a tight grip and he takes his other hand and swings at my face. I taste metal in my mouth as his fists makes contact again with my jaw.  He pushes me to the ground and kicks my ribs.  I cry out in pain and Reggie and Hadley start crying in their strollers.

"Mamma?" Reggie says.

"Oh I'm alright baby, Mommy's okay." I say looking into his beautiful blue green eyes. He has my fathers eyes, and they were beautiful.

Mathew tugs my hair to force me to look at him. "When I say don't leave the hose I expect you to listen!" He says. He lets go of me and heads over to the baby stroller.

"No! No stay away from them!" I cry trying to pull myself up, but I'm in far to much pain. "Mathew please! I'm sorry! Don't hurt them!"

He kneeled down to their level and they both kicked and screamed.

"Get the hell away from them!" I say reaching up on the table for a plate. I grab it and chuck it at him and it crashes against his back.

He stands up and turns around and looks at me. "Oh you b*tch!" He says coming over to me. He comes over to me and grabs my arm and drags me to the basement. He pushes me and I go toppling down the stairs. I land in the cold floor, coughing up some blood. I probably broke about three ribs, but at least the babies were safe. I hear the basement door lock which meant I am stuck down here all night.

I am praying that he doesn't hurt the babies, that he'll just leave them alone. I wish Rose was right, I wish I was a good mom. But I'm not, because while I'm stuck down here he could be up there hurting them, and it's my fault.

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