Chaoter 35

77 2 2

Luke's POV

We were hanging out in Reggie's room still waiting on Alex. What's taking him so long?

"Hey Luke, I've been thinking..." Reggie says. "Maybe we should tell Alex about us."

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that." I say.  "I think we should tell him too."

"I also want to tell my parents." Reggie says.

"Okay." I say. "Like now, or-"

"I guess now." He shrugs. "It's now or never I guess." He smiles lightly.

We head down stairs and Sheryl turns and smiles at us. "Hi boys. Luke, are you staying for dinner?" She asks. "And Reggie, did you say you we're having another friend come over?"

"Yeah, but I don't know when he's coming." Reggie says. "But...I have something I have to tell you both." He says and Don comes over from the dinning room.

"What's up?" He asks.

Reggie looks over at me and takes my band. "Me and Luke, we're dating. We have been since before I came here."

"We're we not supposed to know that before?" Sheryl says.

"You knew?" Reggie says shocked and confused.

"Well I just thought, I mean the way you look at each other and how you're always holding hands." She shrugs.

"And, you're fine with it?" Reggie says.

"Yeah I mean date who you want." Sheryl says. "Within reason of course, don't go dating some kid or adult."

"Oh, okay, well that's all I wanted to tell you." Reggie says.

"Alright well dinner will be ready in like twenty minutes." She says me and Reggie nod and head back to his room.

It wasn't long after that when Alex joined us and we've just been talking about our Orpheum gig next week, avoiding telling him what we actually wanted to.

"Alright, enough of this, Luke we have to tell him." Reggie says.

"Yeah, I know." I say.

"Tell me what?" Alex asks.

"Okay, so me and Reggie..." I start. I look at Reggie. "Do you on u wanna tell him, or should I?"

"Oh my gosh just tell me you're dating already so I can act surprised!" Alex blurts out.

"You knew?" I ask.

"Well you didn't make it much of a secret." Alex says. "Hell, Reggie, like a year ago I told you you should tell him about you're feelings. Of course I knew."

"We're sorry we didn't tell you before." Reggie says.

"It's fine I guess." Alex sighs.

We all ate at Reggie's and went back up to his room. We are having a sleepover, and Reggie and Alex are both asleep on the floor as I sit up against the wall.

It's silent and with silence comes racing thoughts I can't seem to silence. I can't stop thinking about my older brother or my parents, epically my mom. Did she really mean it? Did she really not want me back? I mean after my older brother ran out she erased him away, why wouldn't she do the same to me? And where is my older brother now?

Even though the room is pitch black except for the bit of moon light shining in the window, I feel like everything around me is spinning. I hadn't even realized I am in tears until I feel Reggie's arms wrap around me and him whisper to me, "What's wrong?"

I try to speak but I can't catch a breath. It feels like someone dropped a weight on my chest and I physically can't push words out of my mouth.

"It'll be okay." He says. "Whatever it is, I'll help you. You're not alone." And that just made me cry so much harder. He's so amazing, he's always there for me even though I don't deserve it. I don't deserve him. He hugs me tighter and rubs my back. "It's going to be okay." He says. "Take a deep breath."

I do as he says a inhale through my nose and slowly exhale through my mouth as he continues to rub my back. I do it again and I feel myself calm down.

Reggie pulls away and wipes some tears off my face. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks.

"It's nothing you haven't already heard, you should just go back to sleep." I say.

"Is it about your mom or older brother?" He asks. "I don't care if I have heard you talk about it a million times, if you want to talk about it I want to listen."

"I miss her, so much but I am so afraid of going home and her telling me to go away." I say. "After Liam died she took down every picture of him, and never spoke about him. And she never talked about my older brother after he ran away so why would it be different for me?"

He pulls me into a hug again. "I don't know." He says.  "I wish I could tell you what will happen when you go back, but I don't know what will happen, but maybe it's just a risk we have to take. Together. And if she welcomes you back with open arms, I'll celebrate with you. And if she doesn't, I'll be there for you still."

"I don't deserve someone as great as you." I cry into his shoulder.

"You deserve the whole world." He says.

I hug him close to me and we sit there in silence just holding each other. At some point we both fell asleep peacefully...for only a while.

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