Chapter 34

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Alex's POV

I woke up on the couch with a studio with a massive headache. What happened? The last thing I remember is going to the park to look for Bobby. How'd I get here?

Bobby gets up off a chair and comes over to me with a worried look.

"Hey, you okay Lex?" He says.

"Yeah.....yeah I'm fine." I say sitting up and running my head. "What happened?"

"You came to the park to look for me, but you passed out." He says. "I brought you back here. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say. "Just have a headache."

"Well...what do you remember?" He says.

"Just that I was gonna tell you that we're playing the Orpheum next week." I say.

"No way!" He says. "Us? For real!?"

"Yeah." I say. "Anyways, that's all. I have somewhere to be so..."I say getting up.

"Are you sure you should be on your feet?" Bobby asks. "Maybe you should get some rest."

"I'm fine." I say. I didn't really feeling like talking to him.

"I'm just trying to help." Bobby says. "You're not exactly making it easy."

"Well you don't exactly make being your boyfriend easy." I say. "Try being nice to all of us for once."

"I have been." Bobby says.

"Just yesterday you told Luke he was the reason his older brother left."

"And I apologized." Bobby says.

"Some words you just can't take back." I say. "He didn't even want to tell you about his older brother but you kept prying. Same thing with Reggie and his mom, he didn't want to tell you she was pregnant at sixteen or anything else that was going on but you pried until you got what you wanted and you made him feel like crap about it, saying it was t worthy being upset about. You're an a**hole but the o my reason why your still in the band is because we all have hope you will go back to the Bobby we became friends with in the first place!"

"You know what, screw you Alex. I never loved you anyways." He says.

I don't respond because if I did it would be with violence. I storm out of the studio and make my way to Reggie's house.

Luke's POV

Me and Reg are back in his room and he nervously sits on the edge of his bed fiddling with his fingers.

"What if we're moving far far away." Reggie says. "Or what if it's bad news, like really bad."


"Ohmygosh what if it starts out as good news but it's just a trick and it's really bad and it just gets worse and worse and-"

"Reggie,'it's good news. I promise."

"Do you know what it is!?" He asks.

"What? Who, me?" I say. Yes, of course I knew. Sheryl told me about it the other day asking if he'd like it. And no, I am not gonna tell you either. "No." I say.

"You do, you totally do." Reggie says. "Please just give me a hint."

"All of your guess were wrong." I say.

"That's a horrible hint." He grumbles.

I get off the chair I was sitting in and sit next to him. "Well I guess you'll just have to wait and find out what it is." I say.

"You're the worst." He says.

"Thanks, I try my hardest to be." I smile. We connect our foreheads and I take his hand in mine. "I love you." I say.

"I love you more." He says.

"I love you most." I say giving him a kiss.

Just then his door clicks open and we pull away from each other.

"Oh sorry, was I interrupting something?" Steve asks. He looks down at our still connected hands.

"No you're good." Reggie says. "We've actually been waiting for you to get home." He says standing up. I stand up as well and smile at him.

"We we're at the studio earlier, and we got a call." He says. He looks back at me and I pat my thighs for a drum too. "We're playing the Orpheum next week, and you get front row tickets!" Reggie says.

"And no, you're not dreaming!" I say.

"No way, that's awesome!" Steve says. "I told you guys you'd get in!" he says. "Oh, and Dad's homeboy the way and there is something he and Mom wanna tell you."

"It's good news I promise." I say rubbing his hand. "Trust me."

We all head out to the kitchen.

"Hey, so we all have been thinking and talking..." Don starts.

"And we really like having you around." Sheryl says. From behind the counter Reggie takes my hand and I can feel it shaking in nerves. "You're not like family, you are family."

"So, how would you feel if we officially adopted you?" Don says.

Reggie's eyes grow so wide they might have popped right out. "Wait actually?!" He says.

"Yes." Sheryl says. "You've always felt like a real part of the family, why not make it official."

Reggie's POV

I could not believe it. Here I was thinking they were gonna throw me out or something but it's quite the opposite. They want me to be apart of their family permanently.

I didn't have any words to say or thoughts to think but just an overwhelming amount of joy. All I ever really wanted was a family, and now I have two. The band, and the Johnsons.

"I...thank you." I say and Sheryl gives me a hug quick Steve joins in on. It was one of the happiest moments in my life and I can't wait to live the rest of my life as a part of their family.

Bobby's POV

Everything was going fine until f*cking Alex had to over hear everything. But luckily, my partner took care of him giving him a nice and clean memory wipe. He won't remember a thing. Now all that there's left to do is play the Orpheum. But, unfortunately for them they will have a tragic accident before hand. Such a shame really, three young teenage boys dying right before achieving their life long dream. And they are all dying together. Hey, I mean they always say they're a family, families live together and they die together.

Alright so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter thank you for reading and I hope you all have a great day and until next time <3

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