Chapter 21

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Alex's POV

It's February now and my father is still ignoring my existence since I came out and my mom isn't much better at acknowledging me. When she does she treats me like a stranger. Even after Bobby brook up with me, my father looks at me like I stepped on a puppy and my mom looks at me like she's still in shock.

The band is a mess right now. Luke can barely make it to practice because he has to sneak around do his parents don't find out he didn't quit. Reggie is off and on never wanting to leave the studio and never wanting to step foot in it. Me and Bobby can barely go a practice without fighting which only makes Luke angry. I could also tell Reggie didn't like the fighting either but he never tried to get between us like Luke.

The only person who hasn't changed is my sister. And as much as I hate how my parents are reacting to me being gay, I don't regret it because now I can finally be me. I don't have to hide it anymore.

Julie's POV
1982 (Reggie, Luke and Hadley are 4)

I took Reggie and Hadley to the park to get them out of the house for a bit. I'm a little worried though because Hadley is four and barley has spoken while Reggie is talking a lot. At least at home he talks a lot but I've noticed when I take him out he's much more quite.

"Alright do you two wanna go play?" I say. They nod and run off to the sand box. I sit down on the bench to watch them play in the distance. There is another boy in the sand box and the three of them begin talking.

"Are you babysitting or something?" A lady kindly asks. I look to my right and on the other end of the bench is sitting a woman.

"Oh no they're both mine." I say. "Well legally anyway. The boy is mine and I adopted the girl." I say. It's not a complete lie. I am the only one taking care of Hadley, but I didn't legally adopt her.

"You must have been so young." The lady says.

"Seventeen." I say. "But I don't regret it." The only regret I have is not being able to do better for him and Hadley.

"I'm Emily." The lady says.

"I'm Julie." I say. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." Emily smiles. "That's my son there in the sandbox. Luke."

Just then Reggie Hadley , the boy run up to us.

"Mom, guess what I made some new friends!" The boys say.

"That's very nice sweetie." Emily says. "You go on and play."

"Can they come over tonight and sleep over?" The boy asks.

"Sure if it's okay with their mom." Emily says.

"Yeah of course." I say.

Reggie and Luke run off back towards the sand box but Hadley stays behind looking down at her shows and nervously swaying from side to side.

"Honey, do you wanna go play with your brother and new friend?" I ask. She silently shakes her head and climbs up on my lap.

"Well hello there." Emily smiles and Hadley hides her face.

"She's just shy." I tell Emily. "She barley speaks." The most words I've heard come out of Hadley's mouth were to Reggie. I'm so glad the two of them are close.

"So what school do your kids go too?" Emily asks.

"Oh...I actually haven't enrolled them." I say. "I've kinda been doing homeschooling but I don't really know what I'm doing. Is the school here any good?"

"It's pretty decent." Emily says. "If you want I can help get your kids registered."

"Yeah, actually that would be so much help, thanks." I say.

I look over at Reggie playing with his new friend. They are getting along so nicely. I just have this feeling that they will stay friends for a long time.

After a few minutes Hadley hops off my lap and runs to the sandbox and begins playing with Reggie and Luke. Emily looks over to me with a warm genuine smile.

"Can I give you my number?" She says.

"Yeah, of course. Thanks." I say. She get out some pen and paper and begins to write down her number.

"Call whenever. I mean it to. I'm always happy to help and if you ever need help with the little ones, I'd be more than happy to help." She says. She hands me the piece of paper and I thank her and I also give her mine. She's a real nice lady and ever since Rose moved away, I've felt alone in this. But now I feel like I am not completely alone. If I ever need to get the kids outta the house, I know who to call.

Sorry I haven't been so active on here lately I'll try to update more this week. Anyways I hope you all had a great Christmas if you celebrate Christmas and if you don't I just hope you had a good weekend 💜👻

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