Chapter 32

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TIME SKIP- 1995, June (yeah sorry about it...just don't have ideas for extra fluff)

Luke's POV

Me, Reg, and Alex were at the studio and Bobby was who knows where. Him and Alex have been on and off dating since that day Reggie brought Steve to practice. He never brought him again unless we knew Bobby wasn't going to be there.

Steve kept asking about our relationship and as much as I'd love to talk about it, I can tell that every time it gets brought up Reggie gets a little nervous. I know it's because he's afraid that he'll eventually say the wrong thing and Steve won't accept him anymore, but I don't see that happening. There's no one Steve admires more than Reggie.

Anyways, we were just relaxing in the studio listening to a random radio station. I honestly wasn't paying attention in the slightest. All I can think about right now is how much I miss home and wish I could go back. And about my older brother. I'm trying so hard to remember him, and I stared seeing him in my dreams but I can barley remember them.

All of the sudden Reggie jumps off the couch and rushes over to the radio and turns up the radio.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Shhh!" He hushes my waving his hand at me standing by the radio focusing more than I've ever seen anyone focus before.

"After a long search, police have finally found arrested Mathew Peters and his court hearing is ring held as soon as possible, but it's a definite he'll be spending time in prison."

"They arrested him." Reggie says. "They finally arrested him."

"That's amazing." I say. I know it's probably not very kind to be happy about someone getting arrested but he's definitely not innocent and deserves to rot in prison. And I know that Reggie has been afraid of his dad (even though he's not much of a dad) coming back for him. Now he won't have to be afraid.

"How long do you think he'll get?"

"A vey long time." Alex says. "Murder is a serious crime and on top of that, he has sexual assault of minors."

Just then the phone on the wall rang.

"I got it." Alex says. He answers the phone.

"Yeah." He says. "Yeah, yeah of course! Thank you so much! And just to be are calling Sunset Curve. Okay, great! Thanks again!" He hangs up and smiles at us.

"Well are you gonna tell us who it was or what!?" I say.

"Oh! Yeah right. That was a manger at the Orpheum!" he says. "They want us to play there next week!"

"You're joking!" I say.

"Not joking." Alex smiles.

"For real!?" Reggie says. "We're playing the Orpheum!? Like the actual real life Orpheum!?" He says practically shaking in excitement.

"The real life actual Orpheum!" Alex says. "We did it!"

Reggie throws his arms around me and I almost fall to the floor.

"Do you know what this means!!!?" He says.

"We're gonna be legends." I smile.

"And you can go home, prove to your mom your dream is worth it." He says. "Only if you want to of course."

"Yeah, no....I probably should." I say. "I just, I don't think I'm ready quite yet."

"That's totally fine." Reggie says.

"But who will go back at some point?" Alex says.

"What, trying to get rid of me?" I tease.

"Well....I do miss living in the studio by myself." Alex says. "But in all seriousness, I'd give anything to be able to go back home again. See me sister again, even my parents though they don't support me. They're still my parents and I miss them."

I know he's right. He was kicked out with no choice and I ran away. I really take my family for granted. The only family problems I've ever had was my parents not wanting me to be in a band which is nothing compared to what Alex and Reggie have been through.

"Yeah, I know I'm sorry." I say. "I just...I'll invite them to the Orpheum and see how that goes I guess." I say.

"Speaking of inviting, I should get home and tell my folks about the news." Reggie says excitedly. "Do you guys wanna come over and hang out?"

"I do, but I should find Bobby and tell him the news." Alex says. "I'll be by later."

"Okay." Reggie nods. "And you?"

"Of course I'm coming, what you think you can just get rid of me that easy?"

He laughs and I have to restrain from kissing him in front of Alex. Although, I hate keeping this secret from him. Maybe it's time we told him. I'll have to talk to Reggie about it.

"Then let's go!" He says. "See you later Alex." He says and the two of us head out of the studio.

Reggie's POV

We get to my house and we walk in through the kitchen door.

"Hey boys." My foster mom smiles at us.

"Sorry I didn't ask, but is okay if Luke hangs here?" I say.

"Yeah of course." She says.

"Oh, and Alex is coming by later too if that's okay." I say.

"Yes, of course it is." She says. "And when Don gets home, we have some news to share with you." She says. I'm feel my heart drop to my stomach. News? What kind of news? Bad news? We're they kicking me out?

"We actually have some news to share as well." Luke smiles. "Right Reg?"

"Oh, yeah right." I say quickly smiling so Luke wouldn't notice anything was wrong. " know what it's not important actually I'll just tell you later." I say.

"What, no way you were so excited Reg." Luke says.

"What going on?"

"Oh, well the band got into the Orpheum. We are playing there next week." I say. I was really looking forward to inviting them but if I'm just gonna get thrown out tonight what's the point?

"Ohmygosh that's great!" She says. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks." I say.

"So, do I get tickets to see the show?" She says.

"Y-you wanna come?" I say shocked.

"Well of course!" She says.

"Um, yeah...yeah of course." I say. "Me and Luke are gonna go to my room." I say.

"Alright have fun." She says as me and Luke head to my room.

We walk in and I close the door.

"So...?" Luke says. "What was that down there? Is something wrong?"

" nothing- I'm okay." I say avoiding his eyes.

"Reggie...what's wrong? Before we left you we're so excited about playing the Orpheum and now it doesn't even seem like you want to at all."

"No, I wanna to, of course I do." I say. "I'm just nervous about the news she mentioned earlier."

"Well, I think it's gonna be pretty great news." He says.

"How do you know?" I ask. "What if they are giving me up and some random family miles away from here adopts me and I never see you or Alex or Steve again?"

"Trust me." He smiles kissing my cheek. "It's gonna be good news."

I nestle my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"If you say so." I say.

"Hey Reg?"


"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say grabbing his hand and letting our fingers intertwine. I'm the luckiest guy to have a boyfriend like Luke.

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