Chapter 28

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Bobby's POV

After we performed Luke's mom found out and she took him home. How do I know this? Well it's no accident Luke's mom came here.

Honestly this doesn't help at all with the overall plan of getting his music but I just wanted to do it because why not? He deserves it.

Well it's Monday now which means school, which means I see the boys. No doubt they hate me. I brook Alex's heart, and I'm being really mean to Reggie and Luke. Honestly there's no reason why I have to be for my plan to work, but it does make this a lot more fun.

I get to school and meet them all where we usually meet, me being the fist one there like usual. I wait patiently for them, Alex probably will arrive first and then Luke and Reggie together. No doubt they're probably together right now making out or something. What's funny is they think I wouldn't know, but I know. I have my ways of finding these things out.

As predicted, Alex walks up and boy does he just look so happy to see me. "Hey Alex, you look seem to be in a good mood." I smile as he scowled at me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks. "After everything you've said do you really think we'd still be your friends!"

"Actually Alex, I just wanted to say that...I regret breaking up with you." I say putting in a fake act of regret and sympathy.

"Oh well that's just too bad." Alex says.

"Look...the only reason I've been acting the way I have been is because I miss you. I want you back, please Alex I love you." I say.

"You're blaming me for the way you've been acting!?" Alex says.

"No no no, not at all." I say even though I am very well me trying to make him blame himself so we could get back together. If I'm dating Alex, they can't kick me out of the band. "I'm just saying, I miss being your boyfriend which is why I've been acting out. I need you because you are what helps me be my best self."

"You broke up with me." Alex says.

"Yes and I'm sorry." I say. "Please, take me back?"

I can already see the sympathy in Alex's eyes for me. My plan is working!

"Please?" I say again. "I need you. I'll apologize to Luke and Reggie, I'll be kinder. Please Alex, I'm lost without you."

"Okay." Alex says. "Yeah, I miss you too. Yeah....let's get back together."


Then down the hall coming our way is Luke and Reggie, together. What did I tell you.

"Hey." I smile at them but Luke rolls his eyes.

"I don't want to talk to you." He sighs.

"Look...I'm sorry about last night. To both of you. And to you too Alex. And not just last night, but for how I've been acting recently." I say. "I was being a jerk, I'm sorry. And...I'm gonna try and change."

"So what you act like a total jerk for what almost a year now? And you just expect us to forgive you just like that?" Luke says. Yeah I can tell he won't be forgiving me any time soon.

"Alex did." I say. "We're even back together now."

"Alex, can I talk to you?" Luke says pulling Alex away and he and Reggie walked away with Alex out of ear shot.

Luke's POV

"You're dating Bobby again?" I ask. Alex hates Bobby and when he was standing there next to him he didn't see happy at all. Does he even want to date Bobby?

"Yeah." He says. "Is that a problem?"

"Only if you don't want to date him." I say. "Because last time I checked you hate Bobby."

"Well he only started being a jerk after we broke up, so maybe if we get back together-"

"You blame yourself for him being a jerk?" Reggie says. "It's not your fault."

"He said that he was his best self when I was with him." Alex says.

"You don't have to date him if you don't want to." I say.

"We'll maybe I want to Luke, ever thought of that!?" Alex says and before I can say anything else he turns around and goes back over to wear Bobby is.

"Do you think Alex is still in love with Bobby?" Reggie asks.

"Not at all." I say watching as Bobby took Alex's hand in his and Alex didn't seem go enjoy it like he use to. He didn't look happy.

Alex's POV

I honestly have mix feelings about dating Bobby. I'm kinda just know finally getting over him after he broke up with me, and now all of the sudden he's sorry?

Not to mention the kind of person he's been, but if dating me is gonna help him be a better person. Shouldn't I help him be a better person?

I am still in love with who Bobby use to be, but I'm not in love with him now. But if I can just bring out that guy again, isn't that what's best for everyone?

I mean, he apologized, so maybe he's really trying to change.

Bobby's POV

Everything is going perfectly according to plan. Me and Alex are back together, the band is getting out there, soon everything will fall in place. We will play the Orpheum...or I will. They won't. Such a shame all their talent will go forgotten.

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