Chapter 25

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Luke's POV

We go inside the venue a get set up on stage for the gig. "Boys I'm so excited, this is the biggest gig we've ever had!" I say plugging my guitar into the amp to prep it for the sound check.

"We know." Bobby rolls his eyes. "You've told us every five seconds."

"He's just excited you don't have to get all annoyed." Reggie defends me. "We're all excited."

"Yeah well I'm the only one who actually has family in the audience and I'm not making a big deal out of it now am I?"

"What's who's in the audience have anything to do with this?" Alex asks. "Just because we didn't have family in the audience means we can't be excited?"

"I didn't say that." Bobby says. "I just said at least my family cares enough to come see me perform."

"Or they are coming to party and get drunk." Reggie says. "It's a club. That's why my family's not here. They don't like clubs."

"You mean your foster family." Bobby says.

"Just shut up Bobby." I say. "We get it, your parents are gonna be in the audience. We don't really care."

That shut him up because he didn't say anything back. We got the rest of our stuff set up in silence. Tonight we are playing a brand new song, Lakeside Reflection.

We do the sound check and we have an hour before we perform. Another band is up there right now and they sound kinda good. They are called Rose and Petal Pushers.

"Hey, before the show do you guys wanna go get street dogs?" I ask.

"Yess." Reggie says.

"Sure." Alex says.

"I'll pass." Bobby says. I wanted to say we didn't want him to come anyways, but I don't wanna start a fight.

"Alright." I say. "Let's go boys." I say to Reggie and Alex. We leave to go around the corner to get street dogs leaving Bobby there.

Bobby's POV

After Alex, Luke, and Reggie left it was just me. Rose's band gets off the stage. I go up to talk to her. She was a family friend and there was something we needed to discuss.

"What are you doing here Trev?" Rose asks.

"Rose, I told you I go by Bobby now." I sigh. "Look, my band is just playing here tonight. But I just wanted to ask if you heard the news?"

"About Julie...yeah I heard." Rose says looking down at her feet. "It's been forever since I've even heard her name. It was Mathew wasn't it."

"Her husband? Yeah. It was."

She laughed. "He was never her husband. What about Hadley? Is she alright?"

"Who?" I ask. Am I supposed to know who Hadley is.

"My daughter, Reggie's sister?" Rose says.

"Reggie doesn't have any siblings." I say. "Any real siblings that his. He's living with a foster family now."

"Are they good to him?" Rose asks.

"I don't know, and I don't care." I say. "I just know that you and Julie use to know each other and I thought you deserved to know she was murdered." Rose and my mom may be friends but I don't like Rose.

"Well thanks. And good luck." She says.

"Whatever." I say begin checking to walk away.

"Oh and one more thing." She says. "Don't think that I'm not watching you, and if you do anything to harm any of those boys don't think I won't make sure you regret it. So don't even try anything Trevor."

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