Chapter 19

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Warning: homophobia/homophobic slurs.

Reggie's POV

We are at Luke's house and we are sitting in the living room making up our own board game like we used to do all the time back when we were ten.

"And if you land here you have to draw three more cards." I say.

"Yes, and if there's less than 3 cards and you can't draw three you loose." Luke adds.

"That's harsh." I laugh.

"It's called the Impossible to Win Game." Luke says. "We have to make it as hard as possible."

"So what your saying is we need to make a jail that's practically impossible to get out of." I say.

"Yes exactly!" Luke says.  "It can be in the middle here next to the giant guitar."

"That's perfect." I say. He smiles at me with that stupid annoyingly charming smile that makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy and my heart beat widely. How can someone make me feel like this sometimes but other times it's completely normal. I don't get it, and I don't think I ever will.

"I missed this." Luke says.

"Yeah, I forgot how fun making board games are." I say.

"I meant hanging out with you like this." Luke says. "Like nothing else matters, like life doesn't even exist. I miss just being a kid."

"Yeah. Yeah me too." I say and our eyes lock onto each other and it's silent for a new moments.

"Hey Reg?" Luke says. He has had his eyes off me for what feels like forever now. I both love and hate that he's starting at me like we're the only two people in the world.


"Have you ever seen the beach here?"

"There's a beach?"

"Yeah, less then a mile from here." Luke says. "Wanna go check it out."

"Is that even a question?" I say springing up. "Of course I wanna go to the beach!"

We get our shoes on and Luke leads the way to the beach. He turns around to smile at me, bitting his lower lip. "I'll race you." He says.

Even though I don't know the way, I smile. "Alright, but I've always been faster."

"Yeah that's because you cheat." Luke says. "You got longer legs."

"Okay well ready set go!" I say turning around running ahead of him.

"Other way!" Luke says.

"I knew that." I say running in the other direction and Luke follows next to me.

Luke's POV

Me and Reggie run to the beach together and when we get there we plop down on the soft sand. The wind was cold since it was December and the beach is practically empty. Perfect.

He has this smile on his face, a smile that was just so real and beautiful. His eyes were peaceful shut as he faced up towards the blue sky.  We just lied there, catching our breaths.

He turned his head to face me, opening his eyes reveling their beautiful blue green color. "I won." He grins.

"That's because you cheated." I laugh.

"Well you cheated when we raced hotwheels so I guess now we're even." Reggie says.

For a while none of us say anything and all I can do is look into his gorgeous eyes, getting lost in them. Our faces are less than an inch apart and all I can think about is how much I love him and how badly I just want to kiss him.

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