Chapter 16

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Warning: this chapter contains self harm I'll warn you again when we get to that part so if you want to skip you can skip the rest of the chapter.

Also last chapter, I'd just like to say even though it will probably never be stated in the story, the babies were never harmed while Julie was stuck in the basement. I added that sentence in their because like I'm trying to show she's doing everything can to protect them yet she still thinks like she's a horrible mom when in reality she's doing the best she can which makes her great if any of that makes sense. I'm really bad at explaining things.

TIME SKIP- about two months. It's December 

Luke's POV

I have been coming up with every excuse I can to get Reggie to be at my house, or just any where other then his house. It works sometimes, but other times he insists on going home. I wish I knew what to do, that I could help him.

It was Wednesday and we are having band practice. We have yet to book another gig, but got to be prepared for one when one does come.

"Alright should we run the song again?" I ask after we finish the song.

"I think we have it down man." Alex says. "I mean we're all tired and we don't even have a gig yet. Maybe we could practice more another day."

"I don't know Alex, you were kinda off beat for like the whole song." Bobby says. "And Luke, you were singing off key in verse two. And Reggie, I don't even think you knew what song we were playing."

"Actually Bobby, you were playing the wrong song." Luke says. "And Alex wasn't even off beat. So I don't know what you're trying to say here."

"You were the one who asked if we should run it again." Bobby says. "I was just giving my honest opinion."

"Yeah but your opinion was just simply wrong." I say. "Alex wasn't off beat, and we were playing the song Long Weekend while you were playing something completely different."

"Oh you know what...I know what it is." Bobby says. "I though the song could use a couple of changes."

"So you changed the song by yourself and didn't tell anyone?!" I ask getting a little angry. Why is Bobby all of the sudden acting like he's better than all of us.

"Yeah." Bobby nodded. "Is there a problem?"

"Um yeah!" I say. "One, I wrote that song you can't just change it, two you changed it and didn't even tell anyone and yelled at Reggie for playing the wrong song."

"I'm not even yelling." Bobby says. Okay yeah...he has a point there.

"Bobby, how about we go outside and take a break for a second." Alex says.

"Fine, whatever." Bobby says. "I actually gotta go anyways so if you guys wanna continue practice do it without me." Bobby storms out of the studio and Alex sighs.

"I'm sorry about that." He apologizes.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask. "You weren't the one being a total jerk."

"I know I'm just...I'm just apologizing in behalf of him I guess." Alex shrugs. "I'll go talk to him."

Alex runs out of the studio to go talk to Bobby so that leaves just me and Reggie.

"I actually....I have to go to." Reggie says.

"Wait Reg, do you have to go, or do you wanna go get some streetdogs?" I ask. It's a temporary solution until I can think of a better reason to keep him away from his house.

"I uh...I don't know." Reggie says. "I mean...I suppose I have a little bit longer until I need to be home."

"Okay." I smile. "Come on."

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