Chapter 36

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Reggie's POV

Steve ran into my room and I brought him close to me covering his ears as they screamed at each other. Yes I mean screamed. Not raising their voice, not even yelling, screaming as loud as they possibly could. No doubt they probably woke the neighbors up. I don't even know how Alex and Luke are asleep right now.

"How long!?" Don asks. "How long have you been f*cking my brother!"

"Don't turn this around on me!" Sheryl screams. "You're never around!"

Steve is shaking in my arms and his tears wet my shirt. "It's okay Stevie." I say but I don't even know if that's the truth. Is it okay? When is it ever okay? When are things ever okay?

Surprisingly Luke and Alex were still asleep. I have no idea how, but they are. I'm not complaining, I don't want them to have to hear this.

"Fuck you Sheryl!!" Don shouts. "Just answer my f*cking question, how long have you been cheating on me?"

"Long enough to the point where Steve isn't even yours, he's your brother's!"

"You f*cking wh*re!" Don shouts.

I kiss the top of Steve's head and rub his back. "It'll be over soon." I say. Then there was a loud crash and Steve let out a sob. I've heard many crashes in my life time and each time it would result in some kind of new injury when I saw my mom. I hope neither of them hurt each other.

"You b*tch!" Don yelled. "You hit me with the vase!"

"You f*cking deserve it!" Sherly screamed. "When have you ever been here for the kids?? For Steve and Reggie!"

"They aren't even my kids!" Don yelled.

Steve holds me tighter and I hold him tighter.

"You still raised Steve, and you still cared about the both of them as they were they were your own!"

"F*ck this, I'm leaving!"

"No!" Steve cries out. "Reg, I don't want him to leave, I just want to be a family."

"Don, don't! Don't just walk out like this, what am I supposed to tell them in the morning!?"

"The already f*cking know, what you think they slept through all this!?"

I didn't even realize I myself was shaking until I feel Luke's arms wrap around me.

"Shh, I got you." He whispers. "I got you." He pulls me into his chest and kisses the top of my head.

There is more rokus as if things are being thrown around and a slam of a door. Then nothing. Just silence.

"Hey, you okay Steve?" I ask. Which probably was a stupid question of course he's not.

He nods but still clings on to me and Luke sat behind me with his arms wrapped around me and his chin resting on my shoulder.

"So...Dad really left?" Steve says.

"M-maybe he'll come back in the morning?" I say but it was really more of a question. I look back at Luke.

Luke's POV

Reggie looks at me as if expecting me to say something and I don't know what to say. I don't want to say he will come back because what if he doesn't? I do t want to lie to him.

"I don't know." I say.

There was some more silence and Steve still sat by Reggie who had his arms around Steve. I still had my arms around Reggie and I didn't want to let him go.

"You know you can go back to sleep now." Reggie says. Steve had already fallen asleep in Reggie's arms.

"I know, but I'll stay up with you." I say. Truth be told the screams and shouts didn't wake me up. I woke up from another nightmare. I thought I was done with those but yet here another one came and the same thing happened. Reggie and Alex dying.  I am terrified of losing him, both of them.

Eventually Reggie falls asleep in my arms and I stay up the rest of the night just to make sure he's okay.

Reggie's POV

I awake the next morning in Luke's arms and Steve must have moved back to his own room because he wasn't in here.

I look over at Luke and he's staring at me with his doe eyes. "You're staring." I smile.

"No, I'm admiring my wonderful and very handsome  boyfriend in my arms as he sleeps peacefully." Luke says.

I playfully roll my eyes. "Sure. Whatever it is you want to call it." I say kissing him. Alex is still asleep a few feet over so we decide to wake him up.

I throw a pillow his direction and he groans.

"Wake up." I say.

"I'm sleeping." He says into his pillow.

"Come on Lex, we're playing the Orpheum in less than a week. We need to practice." Luke says.

"Alright alright." Alex says. "Just give me five more minutes."

"Alright we'll be down stairs." I say spring up. Luke follows me down stairs and we go out into the kitchen and on the floor is a broken vase form last night. All I can do is stare at it, frozen in place.

"Here, I'll take care of that." Luke says getting the broom from the closet and he began sweeping it up. So last night did happen. They did fight and he did leave. I can't even imagine how Steve must feel right now.

Luke finished taking care of the broken vase and came and put his arm around me. "You alright?" He asks.

I only nod.

"I'll all work out." He says.

I hope he's right, but I know he's wrong. Something bad is about to happen I can feel it.

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