Chapter 20

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Reggie's POV

It's now January first, a brand new year. Although it's not like much is gonna change. There is one thing that's changed however. Girls have stopped coming over to....hang out, with my dad. For about a week he complained about it and mostly blamed me. For the first time in what feels like forever, I actually don't blame myself for this. I think all the girls he's been hooking up with just finally realized what a horrible person my dad is and stopped coming over.

But because of this, my dad has begun to do what he did to the girls to me. Some nights, he brings me in his room. I know that if Hadley were still alive it would be her in the room with him and not me, so I'm just glad it's not her.

Sometimes I think about how Hadley must be in a happier place, and sometimes there's a part of me that wants to join her. Heck, there's always a part of me that does. I hate life so much. I'm tired of it and I'm tired of living with my dad. I know that Luke will probably be more than willing to let me in but I'm just scared of messing up his life. If I stay at his house I might be putting him in danger and I'd never want to do that.

The band is in the studio planning for the gig we have for Alex's cousin's birthday. It's next week and we're all pretty excited to have a second gig. Luke also told everyone about my idea of playing down at the beach or pier area when it gets warmer and they all think it's a good idea too. I love the band, they are my family and honestly the only reason why I haven't given up on life.

Me and Alex haven't really spoken since last night. I kinda hope he doesn't tell anyone I lied about Hadley, but for some reason I feel like I don't have to worry too much about that. I've actually been thinking more about his advice. Should I really just tell Luke about how I feel? Could he really like me back?

I just don't see how someone as amazing and cool as him would fall in love with someone like me. I mean, we're just good friends I thought. Maybe Alex is right though. I don't know, love is so confusing especially when you've never really known what love or being in love is like.

"Alright guys I'm so sorry but I have to go." Alex says. "Last week my aunt asked me to plan Nate's birthday party."

"That sounds like fun." Bobby smiles.

"It's not." Alex says. "He wants a Star Wars theme party. I don't know anything about Star Wars but I couldn't just say no because that would disappoint aunt. So I have to go home and plan and try to find decorations and-"

"Can I help?" I ask. "I love Star Wars."

"Yeah, Reggie knows pretty much everything about Star Wars." Luke says.

"Ohmygosh please let me help. I'll love you forever if you let me help!" I beg.

"Alright fine." Alex laughs. "But only since you asked so nicely."

"Ohmygosh I know the perfect place to get decorations." I say. So me and Alex leave the studio to go get decorations and party plan.

Time Skip -one week

Alex's POV

We are at my cousin's party right now and everything looks amazing. I have Reggie to thank for helping me with all this. Hell he's the one who really did all this.

The band is going to go on stage soon and we're all excited to play for a crowd again, even if most of the audience is filled with snot nosed, whinny, six year old kids that anyone could drop kick if they wanted to badly enough.

"Alex, the party is great." My aunt says coming over to me and smiling. "I knew I could count on you."

"Oh thanks but Reggie is really the one who you should be thanking." I say.

"What, no this is all Alex." Reggie says. "I was just there probably doing more distracting Alex than helping ."

"Well thank you both." My aunt says. "Good luck up there." And she walks away.

"Dude why didn't you take the credit?" I ask.

"Your aunt just looked so happy with you....and you looked happy that she was proud." He says. "I just thought I'd let you have that."

"Oh...thanks." I say. I've only known Reggie a few months now but it already feels like we've been friends for so long. He's just so kind to everyone and all in all a very happy person.

"Are you guys ready to go up there and rock it?" Luke asks with an excited smile on his face as he puts his hands on Reggie's shoulders. Reggie looks back at him and smiles.

If they don't get together soon I'm going to have to do something to get them together. They are so in love with each other.

We get up on stage and I take my spot at the drums in the back, away from the crowd just how I like it. Being in the back takes away the pressure of everyone's eyes being on me. I can just sit back here and drum while Bobby, Luke and Reggie play in front of me like my human shields.

We were playing a song Luke wrote called Shadows. He writes most of our lyrics, and he's really good at it. Once the song is over we all take a bow and leave the stage.

"Guys we were awesome up there!" Luke smiles.

"Yeah, we rocked that." Bobby says. I still have yet to say the three words to him. I guess it's now or never.

"Bobby...I need to talk to you." I say.

"Oh great because I actually need to talk to you too." Bobby says. "We'll see you guys later." He tells Luke and Reggie. He and I go off to find a quite and private place to talk.

" you wanna go first?" Bobby says.

I'm so nervous and I just want to get it over with, but I shake my head. "You go." I say.

"Oh....alright." Bobby says. "Alex, you're a great guy."

Uh oh. This was definitely not the start of a good conversation.

"And...I still wanna be you're friend." There it is. He's breaking up with me. I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. I was going to tell him I love him, but now what's the point knowing he doesn't love me back?

"You're breaking up with me." I say.

"Yeah." Bobby says. "I'm sorry."

"Okay." I say and with that I get up and I leave him sitting there. I hold back tears as I walk back to the party. I honestly should have seen this coming. Of course Bobby never loved me, no one ever does and no one ever will.

Today we were hit with some pretty sad news. Jatp is being canceled. BUT us phantoms are strong. I have whipped my tears and now I'm doing wait Julie taught us to do. I'm gonna stand tall and I'm going to keep writing fanfics and making edits. (Some for you'll see later in this story) and the hope is that we can get Disney plus or another service to pick it up. Make the hashtag #disneyplussavejatp trending. Once a phantom, always a phantom 👻💜💜

I love you guys and I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere. There's more fanfics from me to come.

As always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope that the news of the cancellation doesn't stop you from having a great day. Until next time phantoms 💜👻

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