Chapter 8.1

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Luke's POV

As I ride down the street, I suddenly bring my bike to a screeching hult when I saw Jason outside his house throwing a football around with his friend Bradley. Anger rises inside of me thinking about what he did to Reggie the other day.

I hop of my bike and it falls to the ground with a thud, making Jason and Bradley turn to face me.

"Oh hey there Patterson." Jason says. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I don't know what I was thinking, I wasn't thinking. I just punch him in the face and the brawl begins.

He tackles me to the ground and punches me in the face. I roll over so I'm now on top but he punches me in the stomache and pushes me off of him. Before he could come over I spring up and tackle him to the ground. I punch him in the over and over again until I feel someone pull me off of him.

"Luke, calm down." Alex says. His arms around me are the only things keeping me from attacking Jason right now. He gets up and whips the blood from his nose. He looks at me angerily and takes a step forward but Bradley grabs his wrist to keep him from going further.

"Next time I see you Patterson!" He says almost like a growl. "Next time I see you we're gonna finish this."

I try to go forward, anger still boiling inside me but Alex keeps me place.

"Come on Luke, lets go." He says finally letting go. We go over and I pick up my bike and me and Alex continue down the road to Bobby's house like I didn't just go all crazy on someone and beat them up.

"Dude, what was that?" Alex asks when we get far enough away.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Well, I'm not gonna lie that was kinda bad*ss." Alex says. "But where did that come from. I mean, how does a tiny guy like you hold all that anger."

I look at him with a scowl and say "I'm not that short. You're just tall."

"Whatever you say Smalls." He said referencing one of our favorite movies.


Me, Alex, and Bobby are at the studio and we're just waiting for Reggie to show up. We are going to put some finishing touches on the studio, get all our equipment set up and stuff, and then have our first official practice. I am bursting with excitement. One day, Sunset Curve will play the Orhpum and become legends.

Liam always said he wanted to see me play the Orhpum, so I was going to play it for him. Not only for him but for me, this has been my dream since I fist learned the word gutair. I knew I wanted to be a musician since I could speak. This was my dream, and I won't stop chasing it until I catch it.

The studio doors swing open and Reggie walks into the studio.

"Sorry I'm late, I-" he starts but I cut him off. He has no need to feel bad he's not even that late.

"No worries, you're right on time." I say.

"What happened to your face?" He asks. "Not that anything is wrong with it!" He quickly adds. "I just ment like...your lip and black eye."

"Oh it's nothing." I smile. "You should see the other guy." Reggie laughs a little and I can't help but smile. I love his laugh so much.

"Oh yeah that's right." Alex says. "Luke totally won a fight against Jason."

"Wow dude no way, who started it?" Bobby asks."

"I did, sorta." I say. "I mean technically he started it for being such a jerk, but I punched first." I didn't start it, he was the one who constantly was beating eveyone up. It's his own fault. Okay so maybe I could have handled it a bit differently and with less violence, but what would you have done if he beat up your best friend? 

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