Chapter 17-18

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Happy eschatology

Traditional Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 17: Neighbor Aunt Qin

    When we returned to my aunt's house in the afternoon, there was no one at home, and the aunt and uncle had not come back yet.

    We went out and strolled along a small river by the village, breathing the fresh air in the mountains.

    I heard my uncle say that this river is a collection of streams from the mountains.

    The water in the small river is crystal clear, you can see the pebbles at the bottom, and occasionally you can see fish and small white shrimp swimming by in the river. There are several water ducks and white geese swimming and frolicking on the river.

    There is a small wooden bridge over the small river from which the villagers enter the mountain.

    There is a bamboo forest at the other end of the bridge. It seems to be a few years old. Now it should be the beginning of the shoots. When I have time, I will ask my aunt to take us to dig bamboo shoots. Actually, I really want to go by myself, but I don’t know. Ah, I don't know how to dig, and I don't think Jiang Zhi can be any better than me, so let's find someone to accompany him.

    Looking back, the whole village was shrouded in smoke. The combination of this is Xiaoqiaoliu Shui Renjia, I sigh.

    "It's better for the mountains, the sky is still blue, the water is still clear, and the air is so fresh, oh, fresh with the smell of firewood, haha" I couldn't help but laugh.

    "Well, the smell of firewood is better than the smell of car exhaust." Jiang Zhi said and took a deep breath.

    "The water here is really clean. You can see that there are small white shrimps in the water. I guess it tastes a bit sweet like Nongfu Spring. When we go up the mountain two days later, I will bring some spring water back." I suddenly Thinking of the upcoming drought, I wanted to solve the problem of water shortage at home.

    "Okay." Jiang Zhi said plainly, there are more than 100 empty barrels in the space.

    We walked hand in hand by the river, feeling as if we hadn’t been so relaxed for many years. The life of the city made my nerves tense. I'm going to be busy with my children again, and my soul has never been as relaxed as it is now. But how long can such a relaxed mood last, and what kind of disasters will this small piece of pure land bring to this small pure land when the end of the world comes, and who would be in the mood to appreciate the green trees, blue sky and white clouds.

    We returned to the village along the river. Just about to walk to my aunt's house, we saw a forty-year-old aunt in the yard next to his house, holding a rake and drying the pine nuts in the sun. This aunt has short black hair, her face is round like her aunt, and there is a sharp wave of energy between her eyebrows and eyes.

    When she looked up and saw us, she stopped her movements, leaning on the wooden pole of the rake in one hand, and fanning herself with the other hand, and talked to us enthusiastically. "You are relatives of Shuju's family. When you came yesterday, I happened to see it. You must be tired when you arrived home. You didn't go to say hello. I just saw you again now. Hurry up, come in for a while, Shu Ju They haven't come back yet." She thought we couldn't get into the house.

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