Chapter 33-34

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Happy eschatology

Traditional Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 33

    We gave Hanhan a pill in the space. When his stomach hurts and there is no room, he dug a hole in the ground, squatted on it and pulled the papa, like a puppy, filling the hole with his feet. We were dumbfounded to see his series of actions, who taught this!

    Hanhan said that he saw a child doing this on TV. The reporter's uncle was puzzled by this behavior, so he asked the reason. The kid said that Baba is fertilizer and should not be wasted. His father told him that "the fertilizer does not flow into the field of outsiders", so he took his Baba to his own field. Han Han thinks that there is no way to say that is wrong on TV, it must be right, that's how he learned it.

    What kind of broken TV shows are these? At the end, this reporter can't solemnly say whether this behavior is undesirable. What kind of behavior is this teaching the child? Jiang Zhi quickly explained to Hanhan that this behavior is wrong. of.

    Hanhan asked us, "Dad, is Baba waste?"

    "Yes." Jiang Zhi said with certainty.

    "Then this is our family's land?" Han Han pointed to the black land.

    "Yes." Jiang Zhi replied, twitching the corners of his lips.

    "That's right." Hanhan clapped his hands after speaking, I think he is going to continue digging.

    Jiang Zhi speechlessly dragged me away from watching the excitement. It is estimated that he was aggrieved by his son and wanted to find comfort in me.

    We didn't watch Hanhan's game of digging holes and pulling papa again, but went to the wooden building.

    After a lingering look, Jiang Zhi put his arms around me contentedly.

    "Old Jiang, the weather is getting hotter day by day. In the future, city D will continue to cut out power to save electricity for citizens. Do you think the elderly and children in our family can bear it physically?" The problem.

    Jiang Zhi didn't answer my question, just touched my long hair once and again.

    "You said we have space and know that the end times are coming. We now have the ability to help our relatives when they suffer, but I dare not. I'm afraid, what do you say, Jiang." I didn't say what I was afraid of. I know that Jiang Zhi understands what I'm talking about, people's hearts are too complicated.

    "Only you can give your own answer to this matter. Do whatever you want. I support you, but you must put your safety first." Jiang Zhi stroked my hair as if giving me a smooth hair.

    "I just didn't know what to do before I asked you. Han Han's grandparents are okay. They only have Han Han in their hearts. Everything they do is centered on us. Even if they know the space, it won’t be so good. .

    But my parents, they are not only my daughter, if they know that I have space, will they let me help the eldest sister and the second sister.

    In fact, if it’s just like this, I don’t need them to say, I will do it too, they They are my relatives. I can’t watch them suffer and enjoy my own happiness.

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