Chapter 75-76

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Happy eschatology

Traditional Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 75

    I walked to the edge of the grass and saw that Jiang Zhi used a wooden fence to divide the entire grass into several large areas. Each area had some animals. The area closest to the water hole was the activity area for ducks and geese. Jiang Zhi surrounded half of the puddle in their activity area, allowing them to go into the water from time to time.

    I threw the leftover apple cores into the puddle, and saw a few ducks swim past them quickly, pecking at the apple cores with their flat beaks, and wiped out the apple cores in a while. I think these ducks are pretty good, and I know that this apple is delicious.

    Then we entered the chicken, duck and goose living area, and started the work that we had to do every day, picking eggs. I took a basket, digging out the henhouses one by one, and after a while I picked up a full basket. I looked at these eggs and decided to make tea eggs as soon as I went out.

    Jiang Zhi also finished picking up the duck eggs and goose eggs, and I took out some goose eggs from his basket, and explained to Jiang Zhi that mother Jiang would make goose eggs with minced meat in the morning.

    We went to see other animals. The animals in other areas were very strong. Even the two little stupid dogs had changed many batches over the years. Now there are about 20 fat-bodied dogs on the grass. Big dog and more than 10 puppies. I was sad to raise a dog, and didn't dare to look at those cute puppies, so I hurriedly left the grass.

    The planting and breeding of the space is basically stable. I don't need to worry about it anymore. Jiang Zhi alone is enough. I think very irresponsibly.

    In front of the puddle, I saw the cool grass I found when I went to the mountain for the first time more than a year ago. In the past few decades in space, it has grown from a single plant to a piece surrounding a pool, and we have all forgotten it. While I was free now, I went to the study with Jiang Zhi, trying to find out what use this cool grass is for.

    We found an introduction to Qingliangcao in an alchemy book. It should be regarded as a kind of low-level spirit grass in the cultivation world, and it can be used with several other spirit grasses to refine a kind of detoxification pill. Although it does not have any flower scent, it can emit a colorless and odorless odor that bugs can smell. But insects hate this smell, so this plant has the effect of repelling insects.

    I am very surprised that in a world like ours without a trace of spiritual energy, why is there a spiritual grass in the realm of cultivation?

    "How do you think this kind of spiritual grass grows up in our world? Doesn't it grow only under the nourishment of spiritual energy? How can there be a stream in the mountains?" I was very puzzled.

    "There should be something we haven't discovered there. When we get the chance, we will go to the mountain again." Jiang Zhi also felt strange. To find the answer, he had to go into the mountain again.

    "But it should be very useful to us." After I saw that it had the effect of repelling insects, I knew how to use it. Jiang Zhi looked at me with questioning eyes, and I said my thoughts.

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