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I have been in the Kingdom of Toshinori for exactly 6 months now. Dabi has not left since then. Stating how keeping it low within this kingdom should do some good. But that he has a weird feeling that someone within this castle isn't who they truly are so at the same time he is investigating the matter. Deku and I have spent so much time together enjoying the scenery to even having sparring sessions. Shouto and I have been sharing a room due to our separation anxiety and mostly because he was afraid of losing me.

As for this weird miniature wolf, it seems I am the only one who can hear its thoughts. It follows me everywhere and never leaves my side. I've grown to him and named it Alibaba. It seems to have liked its name for it agreed to it when he heard me. Speaking of wolves, I haven't seen that wolf demon since then but despite it, I feel him inside me...

I sigh upon everything that has happened not being able to sleep. I look to my side to see Shouto sound asleep to which I smiled and pecked his forehead. I got up and dressed in my attire along with fixing my weapons. I quickly made my way out of the room and towards the balcony where I jumped off to take a stroll.

'You can't sleep my princess', said the Alibaba as he followed right behind me. He never leaves my side and only has a liking to Shouto. Everyone else growls or heaps on top of my head to remain there.

"No I can't and I told you before stop calling me princess" I stated annoyed as we both made our way into the abyss of the forest. We made our way to a lake where the bright blue full moon showed itself to us. This caused me to wag my tail in delight as I felt the moonlight caress my skin making me feel at ease.

'"It seems on a night like this I can show my true self, it's been a while, my princess," a husky voice said and I look to the side to see that the miniature wolf was the wolf demon itself. His bright blue eyes looking at the moon along with his robe attire neatly worn as his large tail swayed behind him. His long purple-blue hair is tied halfway at the end as his ear twitches upon the night noises of crickets and owls.

"I had a feeling it was you! What the hell even if you're outside I can still feel your presence within me even my scent is different!" I yelled at him as he simply smirk and leaned in closer to me trying to tease me however it didn't work at all.

"Hmm it seems my charms aren't working all well, however, I want to have a word with you, my princess," he said causing me to calm down and listen. What in the world would he wanna talk about...we both made our way to large boulders that were near the lake and sat down as the moonlight ease both our tensed bodies.

"My awakening wasn't supposed to happen, however here I am. Someone or something woke me up from my slumber. You were never supposed to meet me, because for I am hiding your other half. The half of your mother..." he said while I remained shocked that he knew mom.

"Your mother was quite the lady, fascinating and charming. I truly miss her..." he said with a sad smile as his eyes viewed the moon.

"You fell in love with her...am I right?" I said feeling more curious over this whole situation. He simply eyed me and smirked.

"Why yes and seeing you in the flesh sure brings many memories, you truly resemble your mother, however for me to fall in love is forbidden. It breaks my contract and who I am, so by seeing your mother happy with that other man who was your father it made me truly happy...especially after all she has gone through to be where she wanted to be..." he said while tucking my hair behind my ear and eyeing my features.

"What do you mean by that...be where she wanted to be..." I said feeling confused. Wasn't she happy to be in the tribe...or perhaps-

"That was because your mother never was part of the tribe, to begin with...she was a witch, a witch-like no other with magic that was never before seen...demon contract bound magic," he said with a serious tone his smile now gone and eyes now glaring to the side. My eyes widen upon this revelation. Yet I felt his anger yet sadness...as if we both had a mutual understanding of our darkest desires and what we want...At this, he sigh and continued his story as we both viewed the reflection of the moon in the lake.

"The witches are a tribe of jealousy and envy I truly hate their kind, however, your mother was different. Due to her magic, witches outcasted her and treated her poorly leading her to create her own forbidden books of magic as she was able to summon various demons of their kind and befriend them. She didn't judge nor hate them. When she summoned me, I was truly angered upon how a mere human let alone a witch possessed such power but after engaging with her little by little every day I fell in love with who she was...and thus we created a contract to bound our souls so neither of us can be alone...it was a charming life while it lasted until one day he showed up. I truly hate your father but whenever I would see from afar how happy she was for someone to love her and cherish her it made me happy. However, society nor the tribes would accept this..." he said while letting me process all this new information I had gained.

"B-But her being a witch...how did she become part of the tribe..."I stuttered out feeling extremely confused with this whole conversation. He knew mother and said mother was a witch but how...no it can't be because-

"She had ears and tail like every other Sirius am I right, is that what you're thinking," he said catching me off guard within my own thoughts. I simply nodded my head.

"Well, that is because she made a deal...with the vampire queen herself. In exchange for her magic, she desired the ears and tail of a wolf to be with her lover...of course your father refused but he knew the tribe would never accept her for being a witch. At this, the vampire queen accepted for who would not want to possess such a powerful magical ability. But your mother wasn't foolish neither the queen herself. Your mother cast a spell upon her own magic to be forbidden to use from the vampire queen unless she sucks the blood of her first-born daughter. As for the vampire queen herself, she was always a trickster so in return for the desire of what your mother wanted she was to become sterile and not have children...however, it seems that since I was within your mother at the time of the contract the vampire's wish didn't affect her. Since your brother was born and later on you..." he said while smiling down at me ever so gently.

I remained silent not wanting to interrupt letting him continue. All of this was new to me and soothing at the same time because I was no longer in the doubt. All my life I wondered who was mother's family since I never met them. Now I understand why...

"The day you were born was also the day the vampire queen showed up in your tribe looking for you since she smelled your scent and was enticed at how lovely you smelled. It was due to the spell cast upon the vampire that her desires for your blood grew. At this, your mother used me to seal myself within you to hide your witch's scent...the day your mother died I was useless...I couldn't protect you nor her...watching from your own eyes how your mother died and the scent of her own blood angered me..." he said as I felt his anger within me and it truly scared me.

He quickly stood up and kneel down in front of me as I sat on the rock we both were once on.

"That is why since I awaken I must take advantage and lend my powers to you to awaken who you truly are The Wolf Demon of the Sirius Tribe and The Witch Demon of the Witch's Tribe my princess...I Alibaba the name you have bestowed upon me vow to protect you and serve you...may we seal this contract and bound our souls for eternity my love..." he said as he placed a soft kiss on my hand causing me to blush and feel overwhelmed...

But to have someone have the same desires and feeling as I do and be able to learn more about my past I truly want that, not only that but all this time I had someone close to me who was also close to mother...who suffered the same pain as I did alone...being together neither of us will be lonely...

"I accept...Alibaba with this neither of us will be lonely..." I said with this a smile as he now looked up towards me with widen eyes at the choice of words I said causing him to gently smile at me. "You truly are your mothers child" he muttered out.

He held my hand to show it towards the moonlight as triangular symbols with circles at each point appeared on both our wrists.

"We are now one..." and at that, the moon disappeared leaving us in darkness without the moonlight. At this Alibaba transformed back to normal however he wasn't the small miniature wolf anymore he was an adult size wolf with beautiful blue and purple fur.

'Since we have sealed our contract I am now in my true form. Of course, my human form can only be summoned upon your request or within my will when there is moonlight present.' he said to me as I smiled and petted him. At this, he waged his tail along with my own.

"Let's go back...Alibaba" I said while we both made our way to the castle for soon the sun rises we will depart to the Kingdom of Dragons.

The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now