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"I ain't going" Shouto calmly said for the tenth time as Fuyumi was now trying not to blow up over how her little brother is so anti-social.

"Well too bad for you Shouto because you are going to the Dragon Festival I already sent your name to Queen Mitsuki to which she is now ever so delighted you are going" Fuyumi calmly said as Hawks and I were in the background eating some cookies that the kitchen maid has offered to us since the royal siblings are fighting. Dragon Festival...just what is that? I look over to Hawks who noticed me staring at him.

"What's up kiddo?" he asked while munching onto the cookies while laughing over Fuyumi's anger expressions.

"Ne Hawks-kun what is this Dragon Festival?" I asked wondering what's so special about this festival. He looks to the side as if trying to remember the significance of this festival.

"It's the celebration of dragons and human's coming together and uniting and thus creating the dragon clan. Also, I heard this year's festival is quite no other for the Dragon Prince himself is looking for a bride for he can be king" he said while I hummed in acknowledgment.

"Dragon Prince Katsuki Bakugou..." I mumbled as Hawks nodded with a sigh of exhaustion.

"Yup good luck with that," he said which got me to raise my eyebrow in question. "Since it's your first time seeing this "prince" I suggest you consult with Shouto" he added while walking away leaving me dumbfounded.

What's so bad about meeting this prince...? I was left in my thoughts till the royal siblings' bickering got my attention back.

I look to see Shouto losing the fight to Fuyumi, which caused me to hold my laughter for now, until I can tease him later. At the moment Fuyumi is smiling ever so excited while asking the maids to prepare the luggage. Good thing I pack my things cause Fuyumi can get out of hand sometimes.

"Nikko don't worry about your luggage I ask the dress-maker to customize dresses for you for the occasion and a special aide's outfit as well!" she said while smiling ever so brightly. I spoke too soon...

This caused me to shiver at the thought of dresses...but how can I deny her...not with that sweet smile and kind gesture...I look to Shouto who was now sulking near the wall.

I look back to Fuyumi who awaited my answer. I tried to smile without breaking down..."Arigato princess Fuyumi...but why the dresses" I said while my smile was weak from me trying so hard.

"That's because the Dragon Prince is also going to be looking for a bride! And this is a wonderful chance for you to experience love!" she yelled ecstatic over my whole love life. She's always been like this honestly. I smiled while sighing.

"Princess Fuyumi thank you for caring and always wanting the best for me but...I am not that interested in love besides I must protect Shouto and also avenge my clan..." I said but that was when her smile fell and she looked at me with her serious face.

"Nikko I understand you want revenge but that will only lead you to more need love to heal...and I am sure this is your chance...I am never wrong after all" she said while winking and walking off leaving me smiling. That was when my hand reached up towards my scar...

"I doubt a prince will want to marry me, princess..." I softly spoke to my own but as always he heard.

"You're quite wrong you know..." Shouto said to which I smiled a little. "How are you so sure Shouto..." I said wondering what he might say. "Because I know and I am never wrong," he said copying his sister's word to which I laughed.

"How about we go to town and visit Granny Anna and buy some of her sweats and catch up as well" he added on as we walked out of the castle. "Sounds good to me," I said as Shouto asks for our horses to be ready for us.

Once ready we rode our horses to town and as always the glare began. As we got to the main square of the center of town we hopped off our horses and began to walk.

I have gotten quite used to it but it kills me why can't they see my good deeds, my faithfulness to the king, to my prince, whom I am protecting. These stupid rumors and damn comments...they enrage me to come at them with my hatred and revenge...
"Look it's the traitor of our country, the Sirius Mutt"
"She probably is one of those damn vampires dirty spies"
"How can our young prince choose her as his aide"
"How can our King permit this under his own eyes"
"She doesn't deserve to protect our prince"
"More importantly why is she still alive"
As the young and only sole survivor of the Sirius clan, I walk down the busy town where I now live as the personal aide of prince Shouto Todoroki.

'They don't know anything! They don't know the feeling of losing everyone they love and care for! Shut up! You don't know anything!' The young girl felt like shouting but of course, she remained quiet. She simply put her hood up and fixed her tribe scarf as she continued her walk beside Shouto who with a simple gesture of eye contact made her feel at ease.

"So our next trip is at this Dragon Festival?" I asked ignoring the constant glares among the people.
Shouto simply sighs while making a grumpy face to which I laughed. "What's so bad about this prince even Hawks made the same face as you," I said between laughter.

"He isn't any ordinary prince...Bakugou Katsuki is a rather prideful one...and rather loud with an explosive attitude..." he said to which caught my curiosity.

Dragon Prince...Bakugou Katsuki...

Bakugou Katsuki

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now