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After a while of dancing which was extremely fun, Deku and I decided to sit down to catch our breaths.

"Wow Nikko-chan you sure know how to dance!" he said between breathers due to us being tired.

"Arigato and so do you Deku-kun," I said while we continued to chit chat. Then I noticed he was staring with a frown at my attire then back at Uraraka who was sitting next to Bakugou this whole time trying to contain herself from drinking too much. I guess she isn't much of a drinker but she sure looks happy.

"What's wrong..." I asked out of the blue until he smiled at me once again.

"Nothing it just seems someone has interest in you but makes me sad because Uraraka been in love with Bakugou ever see the attire you are wearing is one meant for the Future Bride of Kaachan" he said which caused me drop my drink in the process.

"Eh...nani...why didn't no one told me! I didn't want that heck why didn't they ask me and wasn't Uraraka going to be the future bride because Bakugou was going out with her!" I screamed at him while shaking his shoulders which caused him to simply give me a scared smile.

"N-Nikko-chan please clam down...they broke up actually a bit back just Uraraka is a bit sad and trying to change his mind...and whenever a prince here in the dragon kingdom has interest in women during the dragon festival they purposely give the dress as a surprise without telling anyone the dragon prince only knows and his aides...and I know as well because I read it's their tradition...but it isn't obligatory so don't'll just have a nice picnic together the next day" he said answering everything at once while catching his breathing.

This calmed me down a bit over nothing being obligated...I still had my voice here compared to other kingdoms...but still he doesn't even know me...

I kept a stoic face as Deku-kun calmed me down by saying soothing words to me which made me smile at him.

"How about we drink our worries away...either way this doesn't change anything I'll always be Shouto's aide I'm never leaving his side..." I said while grabbing his hand helping him stand up.

"Your such a loyal aide...your tribe would be proud Nikko" he said to me. This caused me to smile even brighter hearing those words. I was about to pull him for a hug to drag him to and dance again but soon enough everything quiet down.

This caused us to look upfront where the king and queen were now standing. I noticed the queen smiling to everyone and relaxed, she wasn't as formal compared to those royals in the kingdom. I look over to prince Bakugou and notice most of his looks came from her, then I look over to the king who was waving as well. He had a gentle smile and calming vibe. I look back to the queen remembering what Kirishima told me. The queen...she knows my mom...I have so many questions for her...but for now due to respect we all rose and bow down.

"Thank you all for coming to our Dragon Festival and to our brat of a son soon to be coronation day," The queen said, but her comment caused me to loose my composure and almost laugh.

"Oi you old hag who you calling a brat!" Bakugou yelled which caused the queen to yell back.

"Who else is my son you damn ungrateful little-

I noticed the king quickly nervously laugh held his wife back with a gentle smile, Kirishima doing the same but more like trying to hold back a ravish dog on the loose.

"Now we are grateful to have other kingdoms here as well, thank you for coming let the festival continue till night fall!" The king said and everyone cheered as the music came back and everyone chatter along.

I smiled at Deku as I dragged him back to the dance floor so we both can dance some more. But during this whole time, despite how much I ignored it, his eyes followed me...his vibrant ruby red eyes...

his vibrant ruby red eyes

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now