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After studying the family tree of Nikko, I took note of how her mother had no one near her name. No parents nor siblings. Why was it...her maiden name wasn't even written down. The only thing that is written was her first name. Yuki...

I rolled up the scroll and made my way to where my parents were. I saw Kirishima walking up with Mina probably from finishing practice.

"Oí Alien girl and Shitty hair where my parents," I asked as they simply smiled at me welcomed me back. "Last time I saw them they were in the lounge area drinking tea," Mina said while I simply nodded my head and left them.

I walked down a bit more till I made it where they were chatting about what to do about the vampires that have been menacing small villages.

"Oí can one you guys fucken explain this to me," I said while showing the scroll.

"Hello to you too brat now what is that you need," my old hag said as I grunted and grab a chair to sit next to them.

"Tell me why doesn't Nikko's mother's family tree show up here nor does it fucken show her maiden name," I said while pointed directly at her name. My old man's eyes widen as my old hag breathe hitched.

"You guys fucken know something..." I said as I clenched my fist. "And I want to fucken know too" I added.

"You see the story is that-

Before my old man can answer me my mom stopped him.

"What the hell old hag-

"Until Nikko comes I'll allow your father to tell you until then we will remain silent. That is my order understand you brat" my mom said and she was serious yet frustrated over not being able to say anything.

I was fucken mad yes but I simply rolled up the scroll and was began to walk out.

"I wanted Nikko to figure that out for herself, I promised her mother not to say a word until she saw the scroll and ask me herself however I see you're also intrigued with that girl and found out yourself," my old hag said which caused me to blush and turn around with an angry scowl on my face.

"Damare!" I yelled while slamming the door shut.
I breathed in and out to relax my heartbeat and simply sigh knowing I got no answers.

"You damn wolf girl hurry the fuck up already...I want to see you" I mumbled while going back to the library.

"Your fucken kidding me! Of all people you have a thing for Prince Bakugou!" Todoroki yelled as we were on our horses in the forest making our way to Deku's kingdom.

"Shouto not so loud! Besides, I just said I'm curious not that I have a thing or like him. This is a new feeling I've never felt and been out of the castle finally being able to explore is making me feel all these sorts of emotions I've never felt before" I said while I sigh.

"Gomen it's just I'm still processing this..." he said while grumbling which caused me to giggle.

The thing is I am not sure if it's love or lust...princess Fuyumi did tell me that this may happen. Especially since I am in an age where I'm curious and all.

"Alright since it seems you're interested in this prince it's time I talk to you about the sexual relationship. You see sometimes a simple hug, kiss, hand-holding, or even a simple touch isn't enough you might want to go more. This is fine but it's when you feel ready and okay with the person you want to do it with keeping that in mind always. You are never forced to do it okay. Now sometimes the confusion of love and lust can come in. Remember love is unconditional and a feeling where no matter what that person makes you happy. Lust is the simple pleasure of wanting that's it no ties nor connections. I don't want you to get confused and be hurt. Look out for the signs and listen to your heart and mind." Princess Fuyumi said while braiding my hair after I told her everything about Prince Bakugou.

And now that she mentioned it I'm not sure if Prince Bakugou actually seemed interested in me or was it simply for lust...

"Alright I'll keep it mind Princess Fuyumi," I said smiling feeling at ease as she continues to talk.


"I just don't want to see you get hurt," Shouto said with a sad frown upon his lips. This caused me to smile over feeling safe and loved because Shouto surely cares a lot for me and it means the world to me.

"I understand the reason why I'm also figuring this out myself and understanding these feelings I've never felt before." I said as we stopped by a lake to let the horses rest before we take off again.

"Whatever choice you make I'll be there for you however I also want you to make sure your happy" Shouto said as I smiled and held his hand.

"Arigato my prince" I said with a bow as he gently kissed my hand with a small smile upon his lips.

"Anything for my precious friend princess"

"Anything for my precious friend princess"

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now