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"I see so you and Nikko are going to form Alias with the young royals who will one day rule their lands as a form of peace yet to help each other govern their lands based upon what the others have or in what they need! I love it!" Momo said while clapping her hands as Jiro nodded but then frowned.

"Wait how is Nikko going to rule if she isn't a royal heir to a thrown?" She asked while I simply laughed nervously.

"Actually I am the lost parents were the chief of our clan," I said which shocked them.

"Nani!? Then I should have been referring you with the royalty names and respect!" Jiro said while running up to me and shaking my shoulders feeling bad of not doing her job as an aide properly.

"It's alright no one knows until we form our alias with the rest of the kingdoms that's when I will obtain my title once again and form my clan along with Shouto" I said while smiling feeling as if a huge pressure has been lifted off me because being able to say who I am and why makes me feel better.

"Well, I am glad to have formed an alias with a wonderful prince and a magnificent princess," Momo said while Shouto and I simply looked at each other and smiled.

"I am honored princess Momo," I said while I bow down as Shouto did the same.

"Well, who are the other kingdoms you are going to form an alias with?" Jiro asked as she looked at the map.

"Well, we are to form this alias with Prince Deku along with Prince Bakugou, we left him till last knowing his pride. However, that would unite four kingdoms all together" I said as Jiro smiled at the idea excited over how this new generation of royalty will be in the future.

"Well since the alias has been formed how long do you plan on staying to enjoy your time here?" Momo asked wondering if we'll be able to stay longer however I have been here for two days already long enough for the vampires to be able to track me down.

"I am sorry but we must leave tomorrow morning, you see the safety of Nikko is at risk. The vampires found out about her and they are sure planning something so we must be on the move at whatever cost" Shouto worriedly said as Momo eyes widen upon sudden revelation.

"We understand and we are here in whatever you need right Jiro-san," Princess Momo said as Jiro simply nodded while she clenched her fist.

"I am your best friend Nikko-chan! And I will do anything to protect you so please don't hesitate in calling me! No matter how far away I am I will always be there like the time you saved me from being kidnapped" she said while tears brimmed down her face as I recalled the incident.

Jiro and I were returning from the village when out of nowhere some bandits ambushed us. I was able to escape however Jiro was taken. It took me two days to track her down until I found her on the ship that was ready to sail to who knows where to be sold off.

"And I would do it all over again to save you! You're my close friend whom I have cherished all these years...arigato" I said while we both held our hands and smiled with teary eyes.

"Alright now since it's your last day here I say we should go to the town's bar and celebrate!" Jiro said while I nodded in agreement as Shouto and Momo sigh over having to go through the hangover the next day.

"Why the fuck did I ever agree to this..." I growled under my breathe as Kirishima laughed while we were in the stupid castle of icy-hot.

"Well, you were the one who said about wanting to visit Nikko-chan," Kirishima said causing me to grind my teeth in annoyance.

"I just fucken said that to myself! You weren't supposed to overhear!" I yelled until the maid who escorted us cleared her throat to speak up. This caused us to shut up and look up front at the petite maid.

"Please wait here Prince Bakugou for Princess Fuyumi and her aide," the dumb maid said as I simply clicked my tongue in annoyance. Soon enough Princess Fuyumi and Hawks came.

"Ah Prince Bakugou and Kirishima, for what pleasure of mine you had come here today?" Princess Fuyumi said while Hawks smirked from behind her.

"Good evening Princess Fuyumi! My prince here wanted to know if it was okay to spend time with Nikko-chan!" Kirishima said which caused me to cause an explosion in my hands.

"Don't fucken say it like that! I just wanted to see if she was fucken alright knowing her shy ass!" I yelled causing Princess Fuyumi to laugh at the scene.

"What's so fucken funny!" I yelled not caring of royal status or her being older than me at the moment.

"No no I am sorry...just it's nice to know Nikko has someone who is interested in her," she said leading me to growl and cause even more explosions.

"Just tell me where the fuck she is!" I yelled feeling not only embarrassed but annoyed at the current moment. I just wanted to fucken see her admit!

"Well Prince Bakugou my little apprentice isn't here, she is at the moment traveling with her Prince" Hawks said causing me to stop and calm down a bit.

"What the fuck do you mean? Where the fuck is she right now I can fuck fly over there" I said while waiting for his reply.

"Well from the number of days that have passed I say she should be on her way to the Kingdom of Toshinori to meet with Prince Midoriya," he said while extending his wings to stretch them then flapping them a bit to close once again.

Upon hearing the name of fucken Deku I just clench my fist and scowl knowing he will have a chance with her knowing I am not fucken there.

"Why the hell would she be going there!" I said as I glared at the stupid smirk of Hawks.

"I am in no position to tell you, now if that is all I believe you have no business here. Shall we escort them out my princess" Hawks said as Princess Fuyumi blushed at the sudden name causing her to clear her throat and regain herself.

"Sir Hawks please don't be so rude, and as for your question Prince Bakugou, I am not able to tell you any details as well. However, if you wait maybe you will see her soon. That is up to you..." she said making me wonder upon what she said.

"I'll see you soon Princess Fuyumi, let's go shitty hair," I said and once we were out Kirishima transformed into a dragon as I hopped on. Once he took off he called out to me.

"Do you want to go to the Kingdom of Toshinori?" he roared out while I perfectly understood him.

Hearing that question I immediately wanted to say yes, however with what Princess Fuyumi said to me made me think if I should wait. But the thought of her being so close to fucken Deku just irritates me...

"So Bakugou have you made up your mind?" Kirishima said as I took note of the time and how long it'll be till we get there. I clicked my tongue and scowled.

"Hai" I simply said.

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now