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"Thank you Shouto," I said while he finally finished putting on my necklace as I put my hood on to hide my Snow-White hair. Some people can be offended by it due to the rumors of my tribe.

"No problem," he said while we both now stared at the necklace to which we both smiled. Then soon we were halted by the stop of the carriage.

"Alright my prince this is the stop they said a dragon will be here to take you to the top," the rider said while we both nodded and got off with our small suitcases. And soon the rider went off back to the castle while we waited.

"Stupid Bakugou" Shouto grumbled to which I laughed. Shouto met many people around, making friends while I was in the castle training to become his aide. So I wasn't allowed to go with him sadly. So far I only know Prince Midoriya also known as Deku who is extremely kind-hearted and quite shy which is so cute. Including his aides Ururaka and Ida. I also know Princess Yaoyorozu from an overseas Kingdom along with her aide Jiro. Shouto's crush and soon-to-be bride I just know it. She's the one who truly loves Shouto for who he is...which is nice cause now I know my prince will be happy.

I was lost in my thoughts until I felt someone watching us. That is when I heard a tsurune...signifying an arrow has been shot and right about...

"Here," I said while holding the arrow with my left hand glaring back at the shooter. As for Shouto, he was calm during the whole situation knowing my senses were like no other tribes nor human beings. He fully knows nothing will happen to him with me by his side and as his aide.

"How did she know!?" Said some red-headed guy who climbed down from the tree. His hair was bright red spiked up along with spiky teeth as well, he didn't look scary more like a cute small shark. The voice seems to get Shouto's attention since he got up.

"Ah Kirishima still doing the same old pranks by your master I see," Shouto said.

"Haha sorry about that you know him but hey it's been a while and who's the new girl," he said.

"Ah, Kirishima she is my aid and best friend Nikko Fuyu...Nikko this is Kirishima a half-dragon and human who is the loyal dragon and aide of Prince Bakugou" Shouto said while I nodded and kneeled.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," I said while standing up.

"Stop the formalities please and it's nice to meet you too Nikko...but how did you know I was the one who shot the arrow-like how did you do that!? From what tribe are you!?" He said enthusiastically as ever.

"I'm from the Sirius Tribe" I mumbled ready to hear the insults till nothing happen. I look back at Kirishima to see him shocked.

"You're the last survivor...I am deeply sorry for what happened to your Tribe...but I am glad to have met a fellow friend of our tribe" he said while kneeling.

"Eh friend of your tribe? I am sorry I am not aware of this...uh," I said while bringing him up.

"You don't know? The Sirius Tribe and Dragon Tribe are known to be the closest united tribe until that fateful accident making us think none of you guys survived" he said while I just nodded. Mother did tell me about how she once visit a tribe that was high up the mountains and that they were like our family. She never took me since I wasn't of age for missions nor traveling...but this must be the tribe.

"You may ask our queen about that since she knew your tribe's chief along with his wife," Kirishima said which made me hitch my breath over this...I couldn't ask more since he walked off to where there was more space.

"Alright come on what are you guys waiting for let's go, everyone is here but you guys," he said while transforming into the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I smiled while dragging Shouto and hopping on as Kirishima grabbed our bags with his tail and flew off into the sky and high up into the clouds.

The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now