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"Kanpai!" We all yelled at the start of the festival every person receives a mug of liquor. I quickly took a sip and fell in love with the flavor of ale. It tasted amazing compared to the one back at the kingdom.

"Don't go overboard Nikko-chan!" Jiro said while we both were now on our second drink. "Same goes for you Jiro-chan!" we both simply laughed knowing that our love for liquor is beyond ourselves and we will surely wake up with a headache.

"Those two I swear..."Shouto mumbled with an irk mark on his forehead knowing that he'll have to take care of your headache the next day.

"Oh come on Shouto-kun they deserve to have fun after all as an aide they sure are always there for us," Momo said to which Jiro and I cheered for her support.

"I suppose you are right," Shouto said as he smiled at me to which I grinned ever so brightly along with Jiro.

"Ne ne Nikko-chan lets go for another round?" Jiro said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I looked over to see her with tinted cheeks, which means that I probably have it as well.

"You bet!" I said knowing that I am let loose with the liquor in my system.


'So she's a drinker...even more interesting...' I thought while smirking admiring her tolerance for drinking. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, no matter where she went or with whom my eyes followed her.

"Go talk to her," Kirishima said out of now where while he took a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, you'll never know till you try" Denki added as he went off with Ponytail's aide and the Sirius girl who was now having a drinking competition, of course, she was winning which caused me to smirk as I took a sip of my liquor.

"I'd rather check her out first rather than talking," I told him to which he shrugged his shoulders.


Soon enough it was nightfall and the burning flames of each post around the dragon kingdom are what gave a bright orange glow to the night sky. You can hear the music being played along with those who wanted to dance. Along with each step they took their body adornments would chime, playing along with the tune to the music.

It was like being in my own tribe again...this nostalgic feeling...it was rather warm and enveloping. I closed my eyes as I was lost in my own little world, drinking my liquor swallowing the bittersweet taste as my smile adorned my face along with tinted pink cheeks.

Soon enough another song came up causing me to open my eyes to see Denki and Jiro playing along with those who were using the instruments. I smiled and immediately wanted to go and dance along with all of those who were dancing. I look around to see those already pairing up ready to dance this caused my heart to sink because there was no one else left...

My ears and tail began to fall until I heard his voice which caused my ears to perk up, along with the waggling of my tail.

"N-Nikko-chan do you w-want to dance?" Deku-kun said with his head low and blushing face I swiftly put my drink down and stood up.

"I'd love to! Let's go Deku-kun!" I grabbed his hand while pulling him towards where everyone else was dancing. Deku wasn't as shy anymore but a little over the close proximity we were going to be in. So I grabbed his hand to place it on my waist and as I held his other hand as I put my other hand on his shoulder and soon enough everyone who had a partner dance together as we twirled around the fireplace.


That damn fucken nerd! He seriously had the nerve to ask her to dance!

"That's what you get for simply checking her out Dragon Prince," Mina said which caused me to grind my teeth out of anger,

"Oh don't worry pinky I'll get myself a show...and you're going to fucken help me," I said while smirking at her.

"How and why do I have to do it!" Mina objected.

"You dare defy the prince even after adjusting a dress that wasn't supposed to be adjusted because it was the future bride dress pinky," I said to which she sunk under my gaze knowing I had her where I wanted.

"Okay okay, I'll help! Just stop glaring it's burning my soul!" Mina dramatically said while pretending to faint to which I yanked her back up.

"What's the plan lover boy," she said which caused me to blush causing her and shit for brains to laugh.

"URUSAI!" I yelled which simply caused them to laugh more until they calmed down.

"Are you idiots fucken done laughing?" I said while finishing my drink.

"Hai Hai" they both said.

"Good cause this is the plan, you idiots" I said with a smrik as we huddled ready to prepare my plan.

"Good cause this is the plan, you idiots" I said with a smrik as we huddled ready to prepare my plan

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now