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"Fuck!" I yelled while panting from the lack of air. At the moment I am clutching my stomach from the force of his kick. I even vomit a little of my morning breakfast. I am currently fighting Dabi while also using my newfound gifted powers. I have gotten the hang of it to be able to fight with it in combat skills, but emotionally I need to learn how to control it more.

As I was still coughing Dabi came next to me rubbing my back to help with the ache. "Alright let's stop here and see how Shouto is doing, controlling both his ice and fire gifted power. So far your combat skills have gotten way better while using your gifted power." Dabi said which caused me to smile and feel happy over the praise he said about me.

"Really!" I yelled and that's when my ice began to grow around me, forming a flowery garden around me signifying my happiness.

"Yes, but of course you need more emotional control, and remember keeping your gift hidden is the most important task," he said while flicking my head causing me to pout, as the ice quickly shattered into small shards.

He soon helped me up and we both walked to the lake where we last left Shouto to practice. I look up to see the cherry blossoms falling ever so gracefully...Summer is approaching and also the season Dabi told us we must return to the castle.

I don't want to go back though, I enjoy my time with Dabi. I am ever so grateful and I want to know more about him. Like how he can keep up a straight face without showing any emotions. His constant teasing and sadistic remarks to which Shouto and I don't get offended but rather we laugh it off.

As we walk I keep starring into his bareback...I wanted to feel him...the warm blue flames...I want to just...a little closer...

"What's wrong," he said out of the blue causing me to flinch and immediately retreat my hand.

"Nanimonai..." I said quickly looking down while fidgeting with my hands creating a cold breeze due to my timid emotion. But out of nowhere, I felt warm and I look up to see his blue orbs so close to me as blue flames envelop us both. 

He kept his hands within his pockets but despite his unwelcoming figure, his eyes said otherwise. I quickly embraced him while taking in his scent.

"Arigato..." I properly said to him while I teared up to which he quickly patted my head. "You little wolf...emotional as ever..." he said while smirking down at me to which I smiled.

"Alright now let's go," he said.

"Hai!" I said feeling better. Soon as we got to the lake we noticed it was completely frozen then out of nowhere the ice melted creating hot steam.

I look to see a shirtless Shouto panting while sweating excessively. I smiled while clapping for his achievement. Shouto had quite the struggle due to controlling two gifts, he was able to handle them one at a time but Dabi was teaching him how to use them simultaneously.

"Well I see you have improved as well...alright it is settled you guys are going back to the castle this weekend," Dabi said to which we both nodded.

After that, we didn't train as much but we had fun having small picnics, walking around the forest, and simply enjoying the time we have left together.

Because in all honesty seeing Dabi is rare so during this time I'm going to take advantage of every second...


Why did the stupid old hag make me go over the stupid kingdom just to give these letters for the Dragon Festival... it's so annoying.

I had to see fucken Deku, then face freaken round-face. It seems the break-up still is hurting her but fuck man I was being honest! I like her but I don't fucken love marry her...I can't see my life with her...

"ARGH!!! I HATE THIS FREAKEN MARRIAGE JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO BE KING!!!!" I yelled while causing explosions from my palms.

"Calm down dude! Sheesh, I swear your gift is very destructive try to control it more emotionally...meaning within your anger" My stupid aide said as his blonde hair was flying all over the place.

"SHUT IT PIKACHU! LET'S JUST GET THIS OVER WITH AND GO HOME! LET'S GO KIRI!" I yelled as we both were on top of Kirishima who is a dragon at the moment.

"Denki let me deliver this invitation...I want to confirm something" I said to which he gulped and nodded.

And soon we flew down to the Korikasai kingdom...where stupid half and half-lives at.

As we approach the entrance the guards quickly made their way as the first princess stepped out.

"My my what might a sight to see how have you been Kirishima, I see you've gotten bigger" Princess Fuyumi said as she petted Kirishima to which he fawned over for being pet.

"Dragon Prince in what may I assist you today," she said as another man approach. Hawks...her aide. So the rumors are true...Hawks was supposed to be Prince Emo's aide but from the looks of it, he's Fuyumi's aide.

"If you are looking for Shouto he's out of the kingdom at the moment," Hawks said while eyeing me.

"I wasn't looking for that idiot...I came to leave the stupid invitations for the Dragon Festival" I said while handing him the invitation while I turn to take my leave.

Useless...he isn't even home...there goes my chance to see this Sirus girl...I guess I'll have to wait until the Dragon Festival.

I smirked while getting on top of Kiri. Then off he flew towards the sky while my smirk never left.

"Bakugou...are you okay?" Pikachu said as he eyed me.

"Yeah what's up with the smirk" Shitty hair roared but we understood him.

"Reason for that you idiots is because this Dragon Festival is going to be interesting!" I yelled.

"Reason for that you idiots is because this Dragon Festival is going to be interesting!" I yelled

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now