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"Tell me everything!!!" Princess Fuyumi squealed as Shouto and I finally came back home after the long week of being at the Dragon Kingdom for the Dragon Festival. Let's just say it was very eventful and quite entertaining. Not only that but I made many amazing new friends too.

At the moment Shouto and I were being welcomed by everyone who missed us from the long trip. I looked around to see if King Endeavor would come out shouting like always but it seems he's out of the kingdom. Which was better but his voice, after so long of not seeing him, hearing his voice resonating through my wolf ears brought me back to happiness as I turned around to see him welcoming us as well.

"Long time so see kiddo how was the trip" Hawks came in from the kitchen while eating some freshly made chocolate cookies offering Shouto and me while Fuyumi ate one pouting that I was ignoring her for now...because I really need to girl talk with her.

"Hawks! I missed you so much!" I yelled while throwing myself at him as he hugged me patting my head. He took note of how emotionally drained I was and set the cookies aside as he hugged me back with both hands now.

"Welcome home..." he softly said while embracing me as I inhaled his scent calming me down. After that we all settled down ate dinner and talked about how the festival went bringing laughter and joy to the table. Once night came everyone was either doing their own thing or preparing for bed. I on the other hand slowly walked down the corridors to make my way to Princess Fuyumi's room.

As I finally got to the light blue doors of her bedroom I knocked three times followed by a snap with my fingers. It was our signal of knowing we are when we wanted to talk in the middle of the night. Then as I waited impatiently the door creaked opened revealing a smirking Fuyumi as if she already knew this was going to happen.

"I knew something happened!" she whispered squealed as I simply rolled my eyes with a smile meanwhile Fuyumi opened the door wider to let me in.

Once in Fuyumi lit a small candle to illuminate her room while we both sat on her bed ready to girl talk.

"Well, where should I start..."I mumbled wondering where I should start so it won't be so overwhelming to Fuyumi. "From the beginning, tell me everything" she smiled ever so bright while hugging her pillow making me laugh over how the first princess of this kingdom is so bright and optimistic but at the same time childish in her own way.

"Alright so I met more friends and they all seem really nice, oh and I learned the tribe was friends with mine! The queen and king were close friends with my parents, technically I am allowed to come back whenever I feel like it with a small flute I have that Kirishima gave me. It's a flute made from dragon scales and only dragons can hear it, that way he'll come to pick me up in seconds. I learned so much more about my tribe but during my time there I wasn't able to read it all so hopefully I can go back..." I said as the smile on my face never left as I showed Fuyumi the flute and other small souvenirs I brought back fro her including medical herbs from the mountain to which she thanked me a bunch.

"Oh and I also won first place in the dragon festival sparring, it was part of their festival as well. I got myself a dragon scale sword" I beamed with excitement over recalling the memories of how I won the sword against Jiro-chan.

"It seems you had so much fun Nikko-chan..." Fuyumi said while admiring how happy I was, the smile never leaving my face making her wonder when was the last time you ever smile this way, ever since the day you were left alone filled with the blood of your tribe and the horrible rumor spread that you were traitor ever since all you been through you hardly ever truly smiled till now.

For a long time, you have been secluded in the castle due to her father's orders, training day and night to become the aide you promised to be for Shouto. Always covered by the blood-red cloak Fuyumi gave you to hide and feel safe whenever you did go out into town which rarely happened. Stayed in the castle whenever it snowed because it brought horrible memories to you from that night leading to be in your room with the curtains closed no sunlight for days. That was when Shouto helped to overcome the brutal trauma you had been though.

Fuyumi couldn't help but smile at how happy you were at the moment. Wanting to see you grow more and maybe one day slip out of that closed cloak once and for all breaking your chains holding you down.

"Oh and...something else...happened as well..." I said which caused Fuyumi to wonder because of my blushing face. This feeling being all new to me. The soft-touch of his warm hand gently caressing my scar felt as fresh as the day it happened.

"Prince Bakugou...I guess I ended up being the person he wanted to marry due the outfit I had to wear during the dragon festival, which I only wore for one day because it was uncomfortable, but thanks to my friend Mina she made me feel pretty in it despite my scars, but I didn't like the fact he chose me based on how I look without even knowing me as if I was some object he can have just because he was royalty, also from his way of doing things and his behavior I felt uneasy a feeling I didn't know or unsure of it. Especially when every woman had to dance because even I dance Fuyumi!! Of course, Shouto used his royal authority to make which I will get him back for it...anyways when it was my turn to dance he ended up dancing with me, it made me uneasy yet his touch despite his harsh and rude behavior he was gently, and so we had a weird way of getting to know each other. I kept my distance but he wouldn't budge and when I was in the library he came by to help me that's where I figured out he wasn't so bad. Then when I guess he noticed my pierced ear he came into a trance and touched my ear..." I said while remembering his soft touch. Fuyumi silent entranced over the story I am telling her, something that I never talked to her before. The interaction of a boy and my feelings of being unsure towards what I actually feel about Prince Bakugou.

"That was when I was about to push him away but his scent of caramel, which please don't tell anyone cause he will kill me, soothed me down. It was enticing, and I really liked it. It was an awkward moment because I accidentally said it out loud which caused us to blush, but he told me it was due to his gift leading me to accidentally say "you too" which made him curious but in the end, he never brought it up. Now since I was the chosen one for marriage we had a picnic just the two of us. There was a hot spring and before the food, he wanted to take a dip. I didn't mind until realization hit me. In the end, he was respectful despite his sneer flirty remarks, he turned around to let me in, once in I tried my best to hide my scars, he didn't see the stomach one but he did see the one on my collarbone. I thought he was going to be disgusted or say a nasty remark about it, but he didn't. He did surprise me over his actions by roughly grabbing my arm to better see the scar but what he said next made me feel beautiful...and after that, I felt a bit closer to him...just this feeling I'm unsure about it..." I finally finished off clutching the soft silk of blanket on Fuyumi's bed.

Soon her hand softly touched mine as her other hand, held my chin to make me look at her.

"Nikko this feeling is a feeling of curiosity but because it may seem you have sort of liking to Prince Bakugou...and its okay to feel this way just go in your own pace and explore your feelings, you've been locked up your whole life so this social interaction these feelings you are feeling, its all normal just go in your pace...and as always if you feel like your unsure or doubtful i am always here to listen to you," she said while gently smiling at me making me feel at ease and let go a breathe I seem to have been holding for so long.

"So when are you going to tell Shouto," she said while smirking knowing fully well how protective Shouto is causing me to groan but make me laugh at the same time because Shouto reactions can be the funniest.

"So when are you going to tell Shouto," she said while smirking knowing fully well how protective Shouto is causing me to groan but make me laugh at the same time because Shouto reactions can be the funniest

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now