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The sun shone through the see-through curtains that hanged among our room. It gave me an unpleasant headache, also due to my hangover of over drinking. But despite that, the sunrise was beautiful from how high we were up in the mountains. I kept staring out into the window as my body lay flat on the bed until a certain dual haired prince dragged me out.

"Wake up its breakfast Nikko, after that, we will continue on with the festival, also you no longer have to wear the outfit alright. And of course, Prince Bakugou has requested your presence for your picnic later for lunch today." Shouto sternly said as he helped me get dressed in my official aide's outfit. At the moment he was buttoning my vest around me as he fixed my kunai and sword.

At least I don't have to wear the other outfit, but damn this headache is killing me.

"Shouto-kun can I just stay in here and-

I couldn't finish my sentence cause he yanked my belt to adjust it that's when my eyes widened to stare at his heterochromia colored eyes which were glaring right into my soul.

"As your prince I order you not to nag and behave" he sternly said as he hovered over me. This caused me to gulp and nod.

"I promise not to drink so much again..." I sobbed into the corner of the room. This caused Shouto to sigh as he gave me some herbs.

"Uraraka-san told me these will help you for the hangover she even gave some to Jiro-san," he said while handing me the herbs that's when he gave me a peck on the forehead.

"Let's go downstairs, also I love my aide just the way she is, drunk and all," he said with a smile which caused me to laugh and lighten my headache. "Alright let us get Shouto..."I said as we intertwined our arms together and walked out.  "Let's Nikko..." he said.

"Who knows maybe during breakfast you'll even be able to speak to the queen," he added and that's when my ears perk up in excitement. "You're right...I want to know more about my clan...about myself as well...about my mother..." I said as we both finally made it to the dining room where everyone was already seated and talking among each other. Upon our entry, I immediately felt the eyes of Prince Bakugou, and for my luck, the only seat left for Shouto and I was between him and Princess Momo with her aide.

It is not that I dislike Prince Bakuogu, but it is rather unsettling for him to feel that way towards me without even fucken knowing me, also I myself have no interest in love either.

"I'll sit beside him if you want you can sit next to Jiro and Momo, sounds alright with you" Shouto whispered to my ear as I nodded. When we walked further in I took note some decided to wear the festival attire provided for them, I had mine as well for the day but I prefer my aide outfit. It seems Jiro-san prefers it that way as well.

As we took our seats Princess Momo decided to switch with Jiro-san so we can both sulk over our hangover. I do get along with Uraraka-san and Momo-chan but Jiro is just my closest girl friend, I love her so much.

"Nikko-chan my head hurts!" She sulked even more as I sat down next to her.

"Well it seems you won't last this night with me Jiro-chan," I said as my tail swayed back and forth.

"Is that a challenge?" she said as we both now smirked over our drinking competition later tonight.

"Uraraka-san please provide us with more herbs! We greatly appreciate your healing!" we both yelled at Uraraka who was across from us.

"Oh you two, did you not learn your lesson" Uraraka sulk how we both will finish up her herbs, making her buy more.

That was when we laughed together until a 'tsk' made my ear twitch. I turned to see Prince Bakugou glaring at Shouto.

The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now