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"Alright, ladies, gentlemen, and dragons! Let the festival continue with the fire dance! Please may all princess, lady royal, and lady aides come this way!" Mina shouted as many screamed.

Eh...Fire Dance...and why only females...I looked around while seeing every girl get up ready to dance individually, to show off one by one.

I took a sip of liquor as my cheeks were now tinted pink, not only from the liquor but embarrassment as well of dancing along in front of everyone. 

"Ne ne Shouto-kun can I sit this one out..."I mumbled to him as he only stared at me wondering in his own thoughts.

"Why you always seem to dance back at our festival," he said while a hand slithered around my waist cashing me to shriek. I look to see a very drunk Jiro who was dragging me to stage. I gave Shouto pleaded eyes while he simply smiled and waved.


"No no no no that's only back at the kingdom not here...I don't know much people here..." I mumbled to myself as we all stand in line waiting for our turns.

"Nikko-kun you must not be scared it's alright this is my first time dancing too here...so you aren't alone," Princess Momo said while smiling nervously as she took deep breathes. This made me feel somewhat better but dancing in front of all these people is just nerve-wracking.


Slowly one by one all dance for a good five minutes, many of the dragon kingdom shouting to the prince 'It's this one' or 'It must be her.' which is referring to the bride's outfits. Soon enough I noticed Uraraka was next and she began to dance so elegantly.

Not to mention her curvaceous body and big boobs it caught much attention, but she slowly danced to Bakugou and gave him a peck on the cheek causing everyone to 'ooooo.'

Such a bold thing to do, but it seems Prince Bakugou did not like it...his scent it smelled like he was upset over what Ururaka did...why...

"Next up it is someone precious to us, our friend of the tribe the Siris sole survivor, and Prince Shouto's aide!!" Mina yelled which just made things worse for my heart because it felt like it was about to leap out of my chest, I walked on stage and compared to back at the kingdom where people glared many saw me with smile...and as I was up on stage and my eyes were set on Shouto I felt so relieved.

He gave me a soft gentle smile along with a nod and that was all I needed to feel at ease, and soon enough the song began to be played and I started to dance.

I began with moving my hips and slowly raising my hands to the air, with that I stood on my tiptoes and twirled on one foot. I stood my place and slowly bowed down as I raised my other foot.

With that, I began to twirl again and hop from foot to foot while my arms danced along with my movements. I forgot about everything, the people, where I was, the only thing my eyes kept staring at this whole time was at Shouto two colored eyes...who smiled at how out of my shell I was at the moment.

"It seems our dragon prince took an interest at our lady aide" I heard Kirishima yelled and when I did a final turn there he was standing in front of me.

I kept a stoic face but his presence, I didn't feel him coming. At the same time his scent it was enticing, like hot melted caramel...reminded me of the desert Fuyumi will make back at the castle. But what made me stay in my tracks in a trance were his eyes...

His eyes...his ruby colored eyes...they gave me the chills...yet I somehow liked it but was afraid to move I was about to take a step back until his voice made my ear twitch.

"Who said you could stop...keep dancing..." he lowly growled at me as he took his hand out for me to reach.

'Is this his way of asking me to dance with him' I internally said while having a dumbfolded face.

"I said fucken dance Sirius girl" he said again with a scowl as everyone began to cheer dance dance dance.

I couldn't go back now due to the crowd...also he's the prince...that leave a bad image as Shouto's aide...I exhaled and took his hand which was rather warm compared to my ice cold ones due to my gift.

Once my hand landed on his he grabbed it and pulled me close to him and quickly began to dance.

"N-Nani wait! Your going to fast!" I said to him as the music played louder than before as everyone clapped and cheered.

"Then just follow my lead Sirius" he said smirking as he spun me around. Never letting go of my waist, his hand was firm yet gentle.

"I have a name you know..." I said as I kind of got the hang of his dance, I kept looking down not only to be able to follow without stepping on him but also to avoid his eyes.

"Then fucken tell me wolf girl" he said as his vulgar language caused me scowl.

"Such fowl language..." I mumbled as this caused him to glare at me.

"Ehhh! You want to fight me bitch!" He yelled while he did a quick spin along with a leap in the air causing me to yelp. After that he grabbed my waist and threw me up while swiftly catching me.

"Idiot...my names Nikko Fuyu" I said while catching my breathe as we were about to finalize our dance.

This caused him grin at me and finally I had the courage to look at him fully. His ruby colored eyes were bright as ever by the fire surrounding us. As my bright blue eyes were  glowing under the full moon.

"Such a gorgeous name for a sexy wolf" he said while throwing me once again up and catching me as he grabbed my thighs making them wrap around his waist.

"That's a cute face" he added.

All I can say I was a blushing mess with a serious face. No one...and I mean no one except Shouto has ever complimented me on such a in-depth level.

I quickly got off of him and bowed down.

"Thank you for the dance prince Bakugou" I said while turning around and walking back to Shouto and Momo along with a drunk Jiro.

"Take that smug look off your face half and half" I snarled at Shouto as Momo laughed along with him.

"That was quite a show from my aide" Shouto said.

I was panting from the dancing as I made my way back to my group.

"Nice move bro!" Shitty hair said as Mina gave me a thumbs up.

Despite my move on her she kept her royal aide attitude, compare to Uraraka, she's different. I shouldn't be fucken comparing them...

"Yeah but it seems she has no interest..." I said as I turned around to see her talking to half and half and Deku.

"She has no desire to be separated from half and half..." I mumbled to myself as I saw her so close to him.

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now