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'His seems it's already healing' she thought while Fuyumi gently sat her on a chair lifting her for assistance.

'Her wound... it is recent...why is this girl even in the castle' he thought while he continued to eye the girl as he ate his breakfast. 'She has ears and a she from the Sirius Tribe' he continued to think while eyeing her features making Nikko feel uncomfortable.

"Shouto meet Nikko...get used to her because from now onwards she'll be living in the castle under my authority. Also, she will begin her training to become your aide," Fuyumi said which seemed to catch both children off guard.

"" Nikko said confused over what's happening. 'Why would they make me into an aide...I'm still young after all...besides...I want to go back to my tribe and see what I can do...' Nikko thought as she felt her claws grew larger due to her inner anger.

"Wasn't Hawks to become my aide?" Shouto said in confusion and as if on cue Hawks showed up.

"Yo, were you calling me?" Hawks said while he now eyed the young girl well dressed and bandaged up as compared to her bloody state from last night. As for Nikko, she simply felt a sensation of dejavú due to his if she already met him...

"Ah about that I'll explain this to you later Shouto during your studies and Sir Hawks will explain to you Nikko," Fuyumi said as one of the maids slowly placed a plate in front of Nikko. While another maid gave Fuyumi a now clean scarf.

As Nikko's stomach grumbled she quickly ate her food. While she was finishing up Fuyumi gently placed the scarf around her. Nikko now feeling safe and covered slowly taking in the clean scent of the scarf as compared to the bloody one. But also the scent of her mother...

'It's still there...thank goodness' Nikko sadly smiled. 'Momma...I miss you so much...' thought the young girl as she sniffed the scarf feeling somewhat of a comfort.

"There...see I didn't break my promise," Fuyumi said as Nikko once again stared straight into her gentle eyes somewhat reminding her of Dabi...except Fuyumi eyes weren't as a vibrant blue like Dabi's.

"Arigato... you're a very kind princess..." Nikko said while smiling at Fuyumi which has brought upon a small smile to her as well. As Nikko finished up her food she grabbed the plate and gave it to one of the maids who thanked her for her kind gesture. Fuyumi simply smiled as Nikko talked to the maids thanking her for cleaning her scarf and the food.

Fuyumi quickly changed her gaze towards Hawks now who was talking to Shouto about swordsmanship.

"Sir Hawks if you may, please begin training today with Nikko," Fuyumi said as Hawks quickly paid full attention to her, bringing a small blush on his cheeks due to the kind princess smile. Hawks simply smirked, "Anything for you my princess," he said as he took a bow. Making Fuyumi giggle over his gesture that only he does towards her.

At this Shouto made a sudden cough while staring at them causing them to blush out of embarrassment as Shouto simply smiled and finished his food as well. Finally gaining her composure Fuyumi now talked to him about something else related to Dabi.

This caught Nikko's attention upon hearing his name. With this, she quickly but politely bowed towards the maids as she walked back to her seat but before she can listen any further Shouto had called for her...

"...Nikko...if I may c-call you that...if you d-don't mind..." said the young prince who was quite shy honestly. He's around my age as well...being nine...

"Hai you may my prince..." I said while facing him as I was also taking in his features of him having half red and white hair. Along with having two different eye colors being grey and blue...but his left side on his eye...he had a horrible burn mark...which was already healing due to the fact it wasn't bandaged anymore.

This made me feel sad over the fact of what might have happened to him...along with this I also took in his scent...he smelled like Yura Shigure...the flower that blooms only during spring in the region where my tribe lives...

I kept staring at him feeling somewhat calm with his scent but I also noticed how he kept staring at me and back down over and over while fidgeting with his fingers.

"Are you alright my pri-

"Please call me name is Shouto Todoroki..." he said while interrupting me making me yelp which caused his apology over his rude manners as he played with his once again fingers looking away.

I gave him a faint smile...he probably never has made friends his age due to his strict father. My mother told me this once about how King Enji or known as Endeavor, is rather mean and rude from when she would do missions for the King here...she even told me how once she saw how he smacked his eldest must have been Dabi...

"My name is Nikko... Nikko Fuyu but you may call me Nikko...Shouto..." I said while walking forward and grabbing his hands while giving him a small smile.

This caused Shouto to smile ever so brightly.

"A-After my studies do you want to play!" He said very enthusiastically. This kind of caught me off guard.

"O-Of course!" I said while smiling with him feeling happy for once despite everything that has happened...all thanks to Dabi...for bringing me here and saving my life...

"Ah! I see you two getting along! Good!" Fuyumi said while clapping her hands and smiling down at us.

"Okay, Sir Hawks I'll inform my father about Nikko. Nikko this is Sir Hawks, he will be your mentor on training you in how to become Shouto's aide, he'll also inform you on what your duty is when it comes to becoming an aide" she said as she introduced me to Sir Hawks while walking away with Shouto. Who was waving goodbye at me as I waved as well?

I finally look up at this Sir Hawks to see a young man probably a bit older than like a year or two...he had messy blonde hair along with brown honeydew eyes. But what has brought my eyes to amazement were his big bright feathered wings.

"Sugoi..." I said while admiring his wing. But then I noticed he chuckled causing me to hide my face out of embarrassment.

"G-Gomen it's just your wings their beautiful! My name Nikko Fuyu...please take good care of me Sir Hawks" I said while bowing down.

"Arigato! I get that a lot and please stop the formalities we're comrades now...and it's a pleasure to be working with you Nikko...I can see great things from you kiddo" he said while rubbing my head making my hair messier than it is as my tail wagged side to side with a grin upon my lips.

My first comrade...

My first comrade

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now