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Today was the famous fire and ice festival here in the kingdom. And of course, Mr.Grumps aka King Endeavor has denied Shouto the ability to go to the kingdom. The reason for that is because King Endeavor does not want his son mixed with commoners and the sorts. But I had other plans in mind.

"Nikko are you sure about this..." he asked while adjusting his hoodie so his white and red hair won't be so noticeable, cause come on who has half white and half red hair exactly spit in between.

"Trust me no one will notice us," I said as I adjusted my hat to hide my ears. "Come help me with my tail, please," I said as he came behind me to hold my tail up my back that's when I grabbed a thick bandage and wrapped it around myself to hold my tail up. Easier to hide my tail this way. "Arigato Shouto," I said. "No problem, your tail is soft I like touching it," he said as he continued to rub it causing me to blush and pouted at him.

"Gomen..." he said while turning away with his back towards me. At the moment we are dressed in commoner clothing I had snatched while out patrolling the castle one night.

"Hurry up or else Fuyumi will notice we aren't in our studies like we promised when she left!" I whispered yelled as we changed in my room. Of course, our backs were facing each other. Once changed we escaped from my window and ran out of the castle ground from a tunnel which leads into the center of town which I also happen to found when exploring one night of patrol.

"Do you hear that?" Shouto asked while we were walking more into the tunnel as a single light began to shine along with the music being heard in the background.

"Hai we almost there! Come on! I even send a letter by my crow to our friends!" I said finally feeling happy over making friends thanks to Shouto. This caused Shouto to smile upon seeing how happy I was.

Once out of the tunnel we arrive at where the music and festival were just beginning. The decor of iced made snowflakes that don't melt along with beautiful fire flowers was up hanging thanks to the magic of the mages. 

"Sugoi!" Shouto and I shouted while also taking note our friends are here in the meeting spot I told them within the letter.

"Guys over here!" Ururaka shouted while waving. We quickly walked over began to explore the festival.

It was rather beautiful and filled with live music and dancing among the folks. Ururaka was going insane with all the sweets from granny Anna, Jiro began to play musical instruments, Momo dragged Shouto to the dance along with her. Iida was awestruck over the swords from the blacksmiths.

"Izuku-kun look!" I said while pointing towards the festival fights happening where one can use magic or their clan's abilities.

"Let's go watch it Nikko-chan!" he said while grabbing my hand and running over to the fights.

After that, we all walked around the stands to see the exotic food, herbs, magical items, and jewelry available only during the festival.

As we walked my eyes landed upon a pair of helix earrings, one being a very beautiful snowflake while the other was a floral shape with flames.

"I see your eyes have taken a liking to this pair...but you see you must have someone you trust to receive these special earrings..." the old lady said while smiling at me. She had black long slick hair with these emerald eyes.

"What's so special about them?" Shouto suddenly asked since he noticed me halt at the booth and decided to wait for me.

"Well you see if two people have the mutual trust and honesty within each other, with a bond which is not broken by mere rumors, these earrings will glow upon their hands and grant them the flame of honor and ice of innocence to either one or both depends upon the earrings of course," she said which made us more curious about the earrings.

The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now