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"Come on Shouto don't hold back just because it's Nikko!" Hawks yelled at him once again while we did our daily sparring practice in the training area of the castle.

Shouto simply tsk while being called out again as I simply smirked as our swords clashed once again neither of us giving up. Thus after many more sword clashes and panting Hawks called out the time being over and giving this sparring a draw once again.

"Not bad you two, you sure have gotten your sword skills quite perfect. Nikko keep practicing the breathing technique I showed you, you seem to keep panting and losing you're breathing. With that, you'll be able to have more endurance while fighting and stronger blows. Shouto, when you go for the blow you leave an opening on your left side when fighting the other person, this will lead your opponent to take note and quickly go for that side. Now any questions?" Hawks happily said while flying down towards us and clapping his hands.

I swear this bird-man is just a perfectionist and easy to see the flaws of others, it doesn't matter if it comes to fighting or not.

"Nope," both Shouto and I said while we drank some water and cleaned the sweat off of us.

"Alright then, go on with Fuyumi and we shall pick this up during practice on your endurance for your gifts, then we'll-


That was when my ears perked up causing my fangs to grow and my eyes to grow with hatred. With that, I quickly grabbed my cloaked and tied it around myself as I dashed towards the horses. Not thinking twice about my decision, ever since I have the liberty to go out of the castle this horn is something I've been dying to hear. Whenever it would sound while being strictly to stay it would boil my blood over not being able to at least kill those bloodsuckers.

"Nikko! Dammit, Shouto hurry and grab a horse we can't let Nikko go by herself or else the town's people will surely attack her!" Hawks yelled from behind as Shouto simply nodded and dashed to where I was now preparing to leave towards the town.

You see that specific horn is no ordinary horn, its the sound used when a vampire has attacked the town. Just the thought of those blood-sucking bastards made my fangs grow even more.

I quickly dashed down the trail of the forest and into town and upon using my sense I made my way the center of town and took note of two commoners dead while the nobles were being protected as they let the commoners simply protect themselves. This angered me.

I took note of the vampire he was rather tall with slick blonde hair and these light blue colored eyes. He had a young girl by the neck while another vampire simply sigh.

"Can we leave we need to complete our mission not play around here in this damn town Monoma" another guy said. He was different, he has messy purple hair styled upward with bags under his dark-colored eyes. But his scent it gave me deja vu.

"Oh Shinso let us enjoy and get some young precious blood while we pass this old town, why don't you join me," the blonde said as he was about to bite the young girl who pleaded for help but of course they wouldn't help. This was when I dashed towards the young girl quickly grabbing her and holding her firmly while my other hand reached for my sword.

This not only shocked the public but the vampires as well. "If you leave calmly there won't be any issues, but if you continue to harm the people of this town you will surely die under my hands" I growled under my breathe now fully in my wolf form.

The vampire was about to reach out to me but I quickly jumped back, letting go of the young girl to her family. To which they thanked me.

"Hmm do my eyes deceive me, you must be the last Sirius girl! So it is true your the last sole survivor!" Monoma said, but what made my spine shiver was that he was right next to me. I was about to move until he removed my cloak revealing me to everyone causing them to not only get angered but some protest over how I saved the young girl.

Most of the commoners in town accepted my presence but of course, those who hate me are the nobles. 

"Hey Shinso don't you want to say hi to your dear tribe member" he laughed hysterically while leaving me dumbfounded. What does he mean...I don't understand...

"Oh by the look of your face you seem to be shocked, you see Shinso there was part of your tribe, you do remember, don't you? You aren't the last of your tribe, well he is a vampire so technically you are but tell me, girl, how do you feel knowing that your beloved brother was the one betrayed you!" he yelled once again while I recalled the short amount of memories with Shinso. The reason why his scent was so familiar. But his look...his look changed so much due to becoming a vampire.

His once white locks now a dark purple, his once blue ocean eyes now shaded with a dark-colored wisteria...his whole presence has changed, because his ears and tail were gone... why...but his scent is still the same...the soft calming scent of lavender still roamed around him like when I was the young infant who always followed him. 

"'re're alive Onii-chan" I mumbled with a weak nervous smile but while he simply stared at me wide-eyed as well. His facial expression was shocked as mine.

"N-Nikko..." he was about to take another step closer to me until Momona stopped him. "Tsk Tsk, our master wouldn't like that Shinso, and it seems reinforcement came. We better get going" he said and in a swift snap of his fingers black fog emerged, and they were gone.

I fell to my knees while in shock, wondering why he went with the vampires, why did he betray our tribe, why did he betray his family, why he never came back looking for me, just how for Mother said that one day he just disappeared in the woods never to be found...

I was so out of it that I didn't notice some of the young nobles about to attack me until Shouto yelled bringing me out of my thoughts.

"By order of the prince stay back anyone who lays a hand on her shall be sentenced to the dungeon!" he yelled while all the nobles simply angered by his side of choosing me walking away.

"Are you alright? What happened?" He asked me while holding my hand to lift me up. I was about to speak until the commoners surrounded me.

"Thank you so much miss for saving my daughter, as gratitude we would like to host a party for you," the young mother said while holding her daughter to which I smiled and nodded causing them all to cheer. But once they left my smile faded, Shouto taking notice of this.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked again while I simply hugged him causing him to lose his balance and surprised over my sudden actions.


"Nikko..." he said while he heard her soft muffled cries as he caressed her long snow-white locks.

At this Shouto look up to see Hawks in the sky looking down on them, who took note of all the incident since the very beginning.

"I need to call Dabi..." he said more towards himself as he swiftly widens his wings with a gust of wind enough to send one feather towards his ex-prince to immediately notify him of what had happened.

" he said more towards himself as he swiftly widens his wings with a gust of wind enough to send one feather towards his ex-prince to immediately notify him of what had happened

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now