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"Okay take your earring out..." I said as we both held our earrings. It was a simple helix earring where the ornament was handing from the side. Shouto had the floral fire as for me I had the snowflake.

"Do you want to switch..." I said knowing full well that Shouto hates the flames which were brought upon his father towards him.

"No...I want to learn to control my hatred towards my father and his kingdom...I am one day going to rule and my first step towards that is to fully well know that one day I am going to be the king of this kingdom." he said with determination in his eyes to which I smiled.

"Besides...you hate the winter ever since that night...you also need healing and that snowflake will help," he said to which I gave a small smiling of grief and anger as I held the small snowflake.

"I hate winter..." I said while removing one helix earring and putting on the snowflake.

"I hate flames..." Shouto said while also removing one helix earring as he adjusted the new one. We both had on the regular helix hoop and underneath that, we had our new earring.

Soon the earring glowed, I out of instinct grabbed Shouto's hand as he quickly squeezed it reassuring me everything is okay...then out of nowhere it slowly stopped. After that, I noticed my body became cold...as if I was in a blizzard...

"It's so hot...and yet cold..."Shouto had said to which I look up and see half of him in flames! While the other half was starting to become ice! I didn't know what to prioritize first so I went with the flames!

"Shouto you on fire!!" I yelled while I went to go grab water and splash it on him. That was when my room was filled with steam and I quickly wave my hand. When I took a step to see if Shouto was okay I noticed my feet were frozen on the spot where the splashed water was at.

"Nani...NANI!!!!" I yelled while I kept trying to move but it was futile because the ice just kept escalating. Shouto took note of this and quickly got up to help. Weirdly his ice had melted.

"Here let me help you!" Shouto said and once his hands touched the frozen water it simply froze more.

We both stared at each other not knowing what to do nor why this was happening to us. When the matter comes to worse even in this super strange situation there is only one person who has the knowledge and brains on how to get out of this. Both Shouto and I inhaled and screamed as loud as we can.

"FUYUMI!!!!" Both Shouto and I yelled out of desperation. That was when Fuyumi entered the room along with Hawks and took note of what situation we were in. Not soon after he showed up...leaving both Shouto and me speechless as the ice grew more...

Stupid tradition...stupid rules...stupid everything!!

"I fucken hate this why can't I just be king without a fucken queen..." I said as Kirishima was next to me stretching out his wings.

"I don't know why you are so bummed out about it I mean your dating Ururaka, don't you want to marry her someday," he said while plotting down next to me as his tail swished back and forth.

He's was right...I was dating Ururaka...but to marry her heck she should marry fucken Deku.

"We both broke it off once my old hag said that to become king I have to fucken marry someone...and that someone isn't round-face" I stated while getting up and walking back to where the tribe was.

"I mean your parents are planning to let other kingdoms come for the Dragon Festival maybe you'll meet someone there!" Shitty-face said which caused me to fucken scowl at him.

"I've met every fucken person in this country and even those out the damn sea just who am I still missing! Want to freaken tell me!" I yelled which simply cause Kirishima to laugh nervously as I stomped away.

"Now tell me how did this happen!" Fuyumi said as both Shouto and I started to explain the whole story and the old lady who gave us these earrings.

"You gotta be kidding me! You guys have gained old treasure known to have magical powers and give those to their users if they deserve it..." Fuyumi said as she mumbled on and on.

"Alright how about we go on a trip to help you two control these new powers cause now you are wearing the earring you can never take them off," Dabi said as we both became quiet over what said and simply knowing he's here after so long.

The last time both Shouto and I saw him was when he came to simply see how we were doing it was when we were eleven years old.

"Eh!?!? They go with you what excuse would we tell Endeavor!" Hawks screamed at Dabi as he simply sighs.

"You two pack up we're leaving tonight" Dabi once more said while walking out.

"Eh!?! You come back here tell me what excuse am I going to tell Endeavor!" Hawks yelled while running after him

"Alright, you heard him," Fuyumi said while she began to help by grabbing some of my clothes.

"But how can he help us," Shouto asked the question I was dying to ask.

"He was also blessed with flames at a young age...warm blue flames...the same flames that protected mother..." Fuyumi said. "Before you two leave go visit her...Shouto you should see this as another step to becoming the King of this land...and you Nikko...our mother has been wanting to see you for a while now...so go on I'll pack your things" she said as we both nodded.

At this, both Shouto and I walked down to the east wing where I was once forbidden to enter.

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now