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After the whole scene, I tried to sneak my way out through the secret pathways we have, until my fucken old hag caught me.

"Now then..." the stupid old hag said as she cracked her knuckles eyeing me as I was caught red-handed. I simply glared back at her while clicking my tongue.

"YOU SHITTY BRAT WHY ARE YOU EAVESDROPPING!" She yelled while dragging me and throwing me in the middle of the room.


I was left damn old hag has finally done it now...

I couldn't finish my sentence because she began to laugh hysterically as my old man tried to calm things down. She fucken lasted minutes laughing off as my ears turned red out of embarrassment.  Soon enough she began to take breathers and finally shut the fuck up.

"Are you fucken done?" I said while adjusting my necklaces and torn burnt-off cape, soon she came up to me to ruffle my hair which caught me off guard.

"You really like her don't you shitty brat" she gently said while eyeing me as I simply looked away, angry over the fact that my own damn mom can even see my true feelings.

"...yeah I fucken do, but she has no damn interest in me," I said while pushing her hand away as she began to laugh all over again.

This caused me to get irritated and embarrassed.

"This is why I don't fucken tell you these things!!!" I yelled as explosions began to erupt in my hands. That was when she got up and smacked me right on the head making me hiss in pain. 

"Katsuki" that voice is what brought us back once again. I look over to my old man to see him smiling nervously over at us.

"What," I said while I was held into a headlock as my old man cleared his throat.

"If you want to know more about her why don't you help her in the library, she went to go look through her clan's scrolls and books, maybe you can get close to her there. That way the picnic won't be so awkward like the dance from last night," he said which was a pretty good idea but did he had to bring up the fucken dance!

Soon I was able to break free as I began to make my way out of the damn throne room.

"Good luck~" my damn old hag cooed as I simply stomped out slamming the door.

"This is fucken stupid..."I mumbled as I made my way to the library.


"If only Deku or Shouto-kun can be here to help's just so much to take in, in so little time too..." I said to myself as I walked back to the desk where many scrolls and books were stacked that had information on my clan, my family and friends, about myself.

"If only they didn't sign up for that Spicy Ramen contest, Shouto-kun can't even handle his spice, well who knows maybe he'll use his gift..." I mumbled to myself as I began to read one of the scrolls where it talked about our traditions.

Speaking of traditions, I am sixteen years old like Shouto-kun...the Tribal Scarf would have been something I would have trained to get it and celebrate with my clan...wihtout even realizing I reached up to bring my scarf closer to my nose to sniff it...despite the years my mother's scent is still here.

After that, I just continued to read and read, learning so much more over my clan and parents.

"Oi shitty wolf girl let me help," he said making my ear twitch over his deep voice. I look up to see Prince Bakugou standing along with some sweet bread and tea which caused me to just stare in delight over how yummy they looked. I did skip breakfast after all...

The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now