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I look out the window towards the sun setting, signifying that the festival is going to begin at any moment now. I quickly get dressed into my attire and as I was about to put on my body adornments a knock caught my attention.

"Who the fuck is it?" I said knowing full well who it was...this made me frown upon hearing her soft voice.


"Its Bakugou...don't call me that anymore..." I said while facing the door which I haven't opened. Yet I was able to hear her feet shuffle along with the sound of her body adornments moving.

" see I was wondering...why did I receive this attire when I suppose to receive the other one...wasn't the other attire suppose to be for the future bride for your interest..." she mumbled while I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door to see her dressed in the formal attire that every visitor welcomed to our festival is suppose to wear, customized depending on their choice of body adornments.

Her eyes widened by my sudden actions, that's when our eyes met for the first time after the breakup we had..."Why can't I be that future bride!" She suddenly cried out while she balled her hands into fists. "Did you not love me..." She cried the last part out.

"I love you round-face but not where I fucken see my entire life with you...I just can't..." I said while rubbing her head to which she stopped crying.

"We can make it work!" She said while removing my hand and holding onto it. That's when my frustration got the best of me.

"We can't! I love you yes Uraraka, but it wasn't to the fucken damn point that I wanted to marry you! Marrying someone is love yes but also that damn stupid spark cheesy shit everyone talks about and I just don't feel it with you!" I yelled at her to which she simply hugged me rather than running away. Something that made me fall for her when we first met...

"Please...don't say that...please let's just try this one more time..." she said while I felt her hot tears on my chest.

"That'll simply hurt you more dumbass...and I don't want that...," I said while grabbing her shoulders and putting space between us. I saw her puffy red eyes filled with tears, I just wanted to hold her tight but that'll simply make things worse, make her think I still have feelings for her. I simply stared at her and turned around to leave. As I was about to leave she asked me one last thing.

"Who received the future bride's outfit?" She said as our backs were facing each other neither making eye contact.

"The Sirius girl," I said while noticing that I don't know her name yet. And with that, I grabbed my body adornments and left, leaving her in my room.

"Ah...I she called your interest huh..." Uraraka said while more tears fell from her eyes as she clenched her fists.


"Alright with this your collarbone scar will be covered, along with the skirt we'll just move it to the side to hide your side stomach scar, this will also leave your tail free without any annoyment to it. And if we tie your tribe scarf around here your waist, it'll cover it a bit more. Now finally the crown..." Mina mumbled while she did her magic.

As she was fixing my hair to put the small crown on she also moved my ears a little to the openings to make them stand out. This caused me to make me feel uneasy since my ears are very sensitive. This also included in parting my hair and pushing it behind my ears revealing my pierced ear. Shouto was already outside since I changed, keeping watch over how these clothes made me feel so out of place.

The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now