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By the next day, Shouto and I were preparing to leave once again. This was due to the recent events of what had happened yesterday, also for my protection. Apparently Dabi was notified by Hawks with his wings, leading him to come over during the night when we were all asleep. Because this morning once Shouto and I were done getting ready there he was in the kitchen. Stuffing his face with Fuyumi delicious caramel cookies. 

Upon seeing him my eyes lit up like a blazing fire at night in the forest. "Dabi!" I whispered yelled running over to him and hugging him. He quickly hugs back before anyone else can see beside Shouto, who gave a soft smile and soon enough we separated. His warmth is so comforting making me never forget the day he rescued me. 

"Good to see both of you well...Shouto how have you been?" he said and then directing his attention to his younger brother. 

"Alright hanging in there you already know, I'm ignoring him and just doing my own thing," he said referring 'him' to Kind Endeavor making Dabi laugh over the whole daddy issue. Yet he shouldn't be laughing because he himself has his own daddy issues as well. 

Soon enough Fuyumi and Hawks came in and thus this breakfast meeting began. 

"Before we start just wanna say man Fuyumi I sure miss your cooking," Dabi said while grinning ear to ear as Fuyumi smiled at being able to make Dabi make himself feel homey despite not being allowed or wanted here. Then soon he got papers and scrolls of various kingdoms, spreading them on the table for everyone to see. 

"Alright this is the plan for protecting Nikko, Shouto shall visit the various kingdom to form alias. Shouto shall create his own kingdom where everyone is welcome without any social class nor hierarchy instead it shall be governed based upon what the people want, what do you think?" he said while smirking while looked at a small village where it seems to be abandoned. But it wasn't any village it was...

"My home village...we will use my village to create the kingdom?" I questioned while Dabi simply nodded at me. Even if it isn't my people being able to create the village once again makes me super happy. And it seems Shouto looks excited about this too since we both smiled at each other but soon we both felt the heavy atmosphere from both Fuyumi and Hawks. 

"Alright, I see due to the travel the vampires won't know Nikko's exact pinned point location due to her moving from place to place, however that land belongs to Nikko how will Shouto be able to govern it with her?" Fuyumi question Dabi while Hawks kept scanning the scrolls to keep it memorized perhaps. 

"What do you mean after all our little aide is a princess, and with Shouto as a prince, this shall be his first alias formed," Dabi said while crossing his arms lifting his feet to the table, with a proud smug over how well he is countering Fuyumi questions. 

It is true...I am a princess but however in our clan, we never created such hierarchy like in the royal kingdoms here where there are royals, nobles, commoners and such. We believed we were all equal and thus heard every one of our people. Never turning our backs but meaning that Dabi wants to make this kingdom I will have to learn the customs of being a princess...

"How long have you bee planning this?" Hawks asked while looking at the notes taken on the scrolls. "Since the day I rescued Nikko," he said with a serious tone. This caused a lump in my throat...he's been planning this for years and not once told me...I look up to Dabi to simply see him smiling at me while patting my head. But that smile faded away once Hawks spoke. 

"Alright here's my issue, these two need two more years till they are old enough to rule or be married until they can govern this kingdom, we will need a king until then ..." Hawks said and that was when Dabi got up refusing whatever Hawks had ready to say next. 

"By the time they complete these alias with the other kingdoms, they will be of age. I am in no position to be king. I am no longer a royal member of the Todoroki family. My name is Dabi, and that's it...please just stop with this king shit" he said while sighing, getting up ready to leave.

"Dabi wait-

Fuyumi wasn't able to finish her sentence as Hawks simply sigh knowing he couldn't get to him once again.  

"The scrolls and maps I will leave for those two I'm off..." he said and before we can protest blue flames erupted causing us to cover our eyes and be left with ashes. Dabi's method of transportation is his flames...how I am not sure...

'Dabi...' I mentally said while frowning not being able to say bye to him. Fuyumi took note of this and of course Shouto sadness of not being able to say bye as well...

"Don't worry you two, you can always write him letters with the crows he trained for you two. Now we shall start preparing, you two will leave in two weeks so I can prepare Nikko in whatever is needed to be ladylike well the basics at least" she said while cleaning up the table before King Endeavor will take note of our plan. 

"Ugh, do I have to...I mean I am Shouto's aide no one knows I am a princess! What will other kingdoms think?!" I said while feeling overwhelmed by the whole situation. 

"Your title cannot be taken away, it may be one you don't desire however with this we can perhaps make a kingdom worth it. One where we won't have hierarchy whats so ever, no social class, one where everyone has a voice..." Shouto said and that made me rethink my current thought. 

I gritted my teeth and messed with my wolf ears till a growl emerged causing Hawks to laugh. 

"Fine let's get this shit over with and once I am Queen and Shouto King I shall never have to a wear damn dress in my life," I said and thus our adventure began. One where a great prince emerged from his painful past and trauma. And a lost princess who faced the bloodshed of her clan and hatred rumors to emerge from the shadows...

 And a lost princess who faced the bloodshed of her clan and hatred rumors to emerge from the shadows

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now