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Noah was concentrating on making his famous lasagna for dinner for twenty people–he decided to make extra since he knew that Feng Yue loved it, when his mom entered the kitchen.

"You're making your famous lasagna?" She walked closer and checked the ingredients. She could not cook to save herself, so she didn't know how her only son was able to cook beautifully, a master, really.

"Yeah, Feng Yue loved it, and I planned to soften her dad's heart by making an extra special vegetarian one. I heard he didn't eat meat."

"Aw, you really love that girl huh? I never saw you like this." She patted his back fondly. "And she's your best friend's sister too, what are the odds."

"Well, their great-great grandfather is your lover, ain't that a funny thing? We are all connected to each other like this?"

"True." She fell into a deep thought for a moment. 

Right at the moment, Feng Xue entered the kitchen since he heard from Feng Yue that Noah was making his famous lasagna, and he really wanted to learn the recipe from him. And trying to bond with his future brother-in-law. He wondered what made his sister go head over heels over this man, so he decided to look for himself.

Noah was taken aback when he saw Feng Xue, but he smiled at him when he realized that this one was his lover's twin brother. That was one hell of a face. They looked exactly alike with the difference being the length of the hair. Feng Xue's hair looked like he was just waking up from sleep, and it was cute how it rumpled everywhere, making anyone who saw it itching to touch it. Just like what Na'Lan Jian did.

"Aw, you're so cute like a puppy!" She ruffled Feng Xue's hair and Noah chuckled. He wondered if his mom would still be saying that Feng Xue was cute when she knew that the puppy was actually a killing machine who killed anyone on command. Not his fault though, but still...

"May I help you with the prep? I happen to know a little bit about cooking." Feng Xue smiled and Noah's heart skipped a bit since he looked exactly like his sister, and he knew how lethal the effect of that smile was to him. But since this was his lover's twin, maybe he should be more… accomodating?

"Sure, here, I'll show you how."

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian entered The Plaza with style, and everyone's eyes were looking in their direction. They were simply eye-catching with their height and their aesthetics, although they wore half masks that covered their upper faces. They walked straight to the ballroom, where the auction was taking place and took their appointed seats. A woman then delivered them two catalogs and two little numbered signs to bid for whatever their hearts desired later. 

Wei Wuxian opened her catalog and browsed for the items that looked suspicious, and immediately caught something. She touched Lan Wangji's hand and showed him the item that caught her eyes in the catalog.

"They must be here somewhere." Lan Wangji took out his phone and dialed a familiar number. "Get ready to move on my command."

"I'm going out." Wei Wuxian stood up and Lan Wangji nodded. 

"I'll stay here and take care of the stuff."

Wei Wuxian walked to the toilet while she accessed the security feed in the area. After a while, she found what–or who, she was looking for. She smiled and moved toward the VIP room at the second floor of the ballroom where usually the seller was situated, and found them in a less-than-ideal situation.

The man she was looking for, Meng Yao, was cowering on the floor with a gun pointed in his face by none other than the girl who was the Purgatory bartender–she forgot her name. 

When she entered, the girl quickly pointed the gun at her and shot, but she dodged it easily and moved forward to grab the girl's neck while her other hand took the gun. She was deciding whether or not she was going to kill her when Meng Yao begged her.

"Please, don't kill her… I don't know what makes her go berserk like that, but she… she is the reason why I did this all… please, Wei Wuxian, I beg you." Meng Yao was looking pathetic with all the tears and snot on his face. Even his suit was rumpled from his earlier altercation with the girl.

"Oh? So you know who I am. Good then, I don't have to explain everything to you. Now tell me why you have those nanites in your possession and where's Qi Rong?"

Meng Yao gulped once, twice, and his survival instinct kicked in. He quickly took a USB drive from his inner pocket and gave it to Wei Wuxian.

"Take it. This contains everything that I know about the Kingpin organization since they recruited me and Shu Ye there. They gave her the dosage but I–I refused. I don't want to be 100% under their control, but in the end I still do because she was under their control." He sobbed uncontrollably. "I'm tired of all this shit, I just want to be rich and live comfortably with Shu Ye without having to work hard, but…"

Shu Ye. Where did she hear of that name? It was so familiar.

Then it hit her.

"Shu Ye, as in Jin Zixun's ex maid? The one that he paid off because he raped her?" God, this was such a coincidence. Or not?

"Yes, she was hellbent to take revenge on Jin Zixun, that's why she's willingly be their first guinea pig. She has to re-inject every month, because their first product was faulty." He looked at the girl, Shu Ye, forlornly.

"You know, Meng Yao, I can get rid of those nanites inside her easy, as long as you take those nanites back from the auction, and we'll talk about the rest after you tell me everything you know about the Kingpin."

"I–I don't think I can retract the auction item, it was too late already, the auction has already begun." He pointed at the voices downstairs. Wei Wuxian peeked at the ballroom and true, the auction had already started their first bid.

"Which number is your lot?"

"The‐the last one, since it will be the highlight of the auction since the price will be starting at ten million dollars. American."

"Good. Now, we are going to steal it."

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