Chapter 30: A Sister's Rivalry.

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Sapnap's POV~

The door opened and footsteps came, I looked up and saw Gaurds and a wounded Quackity, he was thrown by them,"Hope your stay shall be fine till our leader decides your fates.", with that they left us in the pit.
I glared as Quackity pulled himself,"I uh. . .", "Quackity.", he gulped as he stood up,"Uh. . . Sapnap, dear, I can explain-", "Explain?! Explain what!? How you pushed us in here and decived us from the start, how you harassed Karl with those notes AND cheating on us!!? Was our relationship just a joke to you?!", "Your one to talk, you accuse Karl of cheating and let me walk free for weeks you air head!", I continued to fight with him, this fucking duck is the reason I'm stuck in a pit of enemies of my father, my amnesic ex husband and my traitor of a husband!
"Hey, Helga 2.0 and James's Twin?", "WHAT?!", we froze to see Karl gone,"Up here.", we look up and we ere astonished, Karl was up and sitting on the edge of the put entrance like it was nothing!
He smiled, and held a hand to us,"Hand?", I took it and he pulled me up,"Karl, how did you. . .?", "Weeks of training.", "Hey what about me?!", we look at him,"It's too risky to pull you up with your wound, so sit tight till we find Jack!", what that Karl ran ahead while I flipped of Quackity and left after Karl.


"Karl!", I quickly caught up to him,"Don't run too far, but thanks for getting me out.", he smiled,"No worries, but we need to help the others as quickly as we can!", I was surprised on how serious he taking this situation, did the virus mess with his head that much???


We opened a door and saw Philza with Kristen,"Philza, Kristen!", they turned to us, Phil sighed with relief,"Thank Goodness! You two are okay, where are the others!?", "The leader locked them up, Quackity Betrayed us and he's bleeding out in the pit.", Kristen nods,"Definitely the act of Blair.", "Who's Blair?", Philza sighed,"She's. . . Kristen's sister. . .", I stare at them,"I'm sorry, you have siblings?!","Yes, I did. My sister is the Witch of the Woods and I'm Goddess of Death. We use to another a brother, but was killed years ago.", "Sorry for your loss. . .", she smiled,"It's alright, Dear. Now, let us find the others, save your friends and deal with my sister once and for all.", Karl nods,"Right! Let's go James's Twin and Watson!", with that Karl went ahead, I turned to Phil,"I am so sorry, his head is a little all over the place.-", "Heh, it's alright Sapnap.", wha? They went ahead, how are they okay with Karl calling then a different name??


Dream's POV~

"Seriously Purpled, how do you do this?", he chuckled,"Uh, my secret?", Foolish grabbed his trident,"Doesn't matter, we have to find Sam and the others and put a stop to this cult once and for all.", right we need to find the others and save Sam!


"Guys!", "Phil!", "Techno!", we were all back together,"Where's Sam?!", "He's under some kind of spell, along with Red.", "For it appears Sam is under the influence of The Amulet I kept locked away as for Red, he's been as well but under my Sister's necklace.", "Necklace?", she used her magic and showed us, it was Red's necklace!
"She must have fooled Red into wearing it, giving her the ability to see what he sees and found you all here.", she made it disappear,"We'll deal with Quackity later, for now let us get them back and stop Blair.", that's right!


Me and Foolish peaked into the room, it was a huge Throne Room and there was this Blair lady sitting on her Throne.
We entered, just me and Foolish, she smiled,"Well, Well, Well. God of Sky and Life. What an houner it is to face off you both, before your demise.", Foolish laughed himself,"Oh, Blair. You really think we're idiots.", slowly many people from the SMP emerged from different openings, the members were taken it back on how many there were but Blair had the laugh that spelled out "Too Cocky."

{Dream SMP} <•>The True Final Battle<•>Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora