Chapter 19 - I Can't Belive You Picked It Up

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Word Count :  2814

"Let's go Mogeta! Triple Turbo Charge Swat!" The voice from the television says. Kisa had started coming over every now and again to see Tohru and this time she brought a DVD with her of a television show she really likes.

"The enemy has his own struggles in life, doesn't he? But his wife might have her reasons, too... This is a tough problem." Tohru says, watching the show. I sat off to the side looking at it every now and again not really that interested in it. Yuki had nothing else to do so he was watching with them looking rather miserable.

"Morning." Shigure greets walking out of his office or bedroom.

"Good morning." Tohru responds.

"It's not morning." I told him.

"Shigure, it's evening. Maybe you should try getting your sleep schedule together." Yuki explains.

"Writers don't have to do that, which is why I became one." Shigure replies before looking at Kisa. "Say, who's this? She looks just like Satchan." Tapping her head. "Shall I buy you candy little girl."

"Are you still asleep? Or was that some kind of creepy joke." Yuki asks.

"Boo hoo! Yuki-kun is always cold towards me." Shigure cries hugging Kisa.

"Let her go before your crassness infects her."

"So anyway, how's school going?"

"Good... I'm trying hard... I can try hard now, because mom... and everyone else... are here for me." Kisa says quietly. Tohru jumps and hugs her.

"I love you!" Tohru shouts.

"Hearts are dancing in the air." Shigure points out.


Tohru and I were making our way to her work after school. I had offered to walk with her and drop her off.

"We got here a bit early." I tell her looking at the time.

"I'll kill sometime in the changing room, and-" She starts and is cut off when something falls in front of us onto the sidewalk.

"What is that?"

"It looks like a shoe." I say stepping closer to it.

"A shoe fell out of the sky..." She mumbles.

"That doesn't seem logical."

"Hey. Pick that up." A voice orders. We both looked up and there was a boy sitting on top of one of the large boxes on the side of the road. His eyes never leave us. "Come on, pick it up." He repeats.

"Right, here you go." Tohru says, smiling and giving him the shoe. The boy smiles at us sweetly.

"Moron, I can't believe you picked it up." He says, his smile gone.

Where is this going?

"Don't you have identity or personal policy? If I said 'turn around' would you do it? If I said 'trip' would you do that, too?"


"Why would anyone trip on purpose? It generally would hurt."

"I can't stand people who have no self independence. Hurry up, and give that back! Or are you planning on stealing it?"

"What?! Of course not!"

What is going on?

"Seriously, are you incapable of being polite after I came all the way here to meet you both?" He says jumping down from where he was sitting to put his shoe back on.

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