Chapter 27 - Are You Really This Stupid?

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Word Count :  2607

"Sounds like a pretty big storm." I say. We sat inside as the wind blew outside and the rain hit the roof of the house. The thunder and lightning were just as loud as the skies grew darker.

"Yeah, and it's getting worse." Yuki agrees.

"They may appear on a day like today." Shigure says.

"What do you mean?"

"During summer around these parts, they appear." Shigure as a large flash of lightning struck soon followed by thunder.

"Uh, er, what will appear?" Tohru says her face was losing colour as she gets scared from Shigure.

"Shigure you're scaring her." I told him but he seemed to be enjoying it. Just then the door slams open and the outline of a person is visible. Tohru shouts in a panic, freaking out.

"That's why! Tomorrow we're gonna set out with a boom!" Momiji shouts, stepping into the house.


"Y-You scared me!" Tohru tells him.

"So where are we going?" Yuki asks, handing Momiji a towel to dry off from the rain.

"Remember, we all promised we'd go out and do something together. And so, I reserved one of Sohma's vacation houses, so we're all going on a summer getaway together!"

"What, tomorrow?! Vacation house?! A summer getaway?!"

"This is a bit of a late notice." I told him.

"Making plans on his own again..." Yuki sighs.

"A pampered luxury vacation. I could use one of those." Shigure smiles.

Shigure's off in his own fantasy again.

"Tohru, you don't have to work, right? This is our chance to have some fun!" Momiji cheers.

"O-Oh, but I don't know if someone like me should-"

"It's okay! I invited Haru, Harry, Aya, Ritchan, Kisa, Hiro, and Kagura, too!" Momiji says, listing off pretty much everyone.

"That's basically everyone you invited. Also can we remove someone from that list, specifically my brother." Yuki says.

"See? You should come, Tohru!"


"If you want to go, Tohru-kun, you should go." Shigure tells her.

"Okay! I would love to go!"

"We've gotta catch stag beetles and hercules beetles."

"Yeah!" Tohru agrees.

"We've gotta do fireworks, too!" Momiji cheers


"Sounds fun. I might go too." Shigure says.

"Really?! Let's go, let's go!" Momiji cheers

"You don't have to work?" Shigure asks


"I don't believe you, and you're making me sick. Please stop."

"Never mind me, don't you all have homework?"

"No need to worry. I'm pretty much done." Yuki says.

"I'm almost done too!" Momiji smiles.

"I've finished." I say. I looked over at Tohru and she was staring at the ground, an aura of sadness was coming off of her. It was obvious from what was just talked about that she had not done the homework. In the end Yuki, Momiji and Tohru went to her room to help her do the homework that was given to us.

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