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ARC1/CHP27 : everything

A whole month passed since the jimin incident, jungkook didn't let him alone at all for more than two weeks, he even stayed at home leaving all the work for his brothers, but he wasn't complaining if you didn't include the times he had a hard time sleeping next to jimin and sitting with jimin on his lap then he definitely wasn't complaining, in the last week of the month jimin was back to his lessons with the hyungs more like with yoongi, namjoon, and tae. The latter wasn't happy about himself and the fact his demons won over him again and they were stronger than any time he remembers even after all the help his brothers and jungkook did for him to be able to heal and be normal again he was disappointed and sad, so just like that his lessons were back but more strict and severe than before, he wanted to be okay as fast as time allowed to.

So he had two days a week with namjoon but unlike before this time, he wasn't studying school subjects but more like about human life, people personalities, and character, how to deal with them how to win over a conversation and a lot of similar topics.

with yoongi, he was training and learning some martial arts and how to use hand weapons while giving him lessons about self-esteem and self-confidence.

last but not least taehyung started giving him some gun shooting lessons and finally jungkook, hoseok and jin helped a little but not that much since they had to take care of work when the three others were helping jimin, he helped jin with medicine a little and hoseok in the computer and jungkook had him go into public crowded places so that he will be able to get used to them.

that's how jimin spent the whole month minus the first week of his breakdown, and now if we had to give him a percentage of his improvement and compare him to his self the first month he was in this mansion with jk and the others we had to say he is 100% better but if we compare him to a normal human being we had to say he is 60% better since he still has a lot of work and improvement to do cuz a month of treatment versus 23 years of sickness its nothing but yet jimin had a high level of hope and strong will to heal that's why he improved faster than any other person.

jimin was a fast learner and a smart guy and spending time with namjoon helped him a lot just imagine an abandoned genius what will happen when someone helps him? let us take a look

" do you really want to do that? it's not necessary you " namjoon said

" I do, please hyung"

" fine if you want, so jiminie I have here some international IQ questions and some others that I added myself, " namjoon said reaching for the papers in the table " you are ready ?" jimin nodded

"What are two things you can never eat for breakfast?" he asked

"Lunch and Dinner"

"What is always coming but never arrives?"


"What gets wetter the more it dries?"

"A towel"

"What can be broken but never held?"

"A promise"

"What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?"

"Your cellphone"

"What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?"

"Normal, because people usually have half their fingers on one hand"

"If a plane crashes on the border between the United States and Canada, where do they bury the survivors?"

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