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ARC2/ CHP 13 : neglect

Jungkook hands off the hundredth file folder he read that morning, containing the information and localization of the few hack attempt, back to yoongi.

It was all too confusing and tiring, he has to admit b.k was really something.  Making sure every hacking attempt was from a different city, the last localization was Ulsan. At this point, he started thinking the man was only doing this for fun or it was one of his hobbies to go after powerful men and destroy them slowly with frustration.

" You should take a rest you've been overworking yourself for almost a week now, I can feel Jimin's anger from here go and do something about it "

As much as he wanted to protest, he knows yoongi was right, he didn't sleep for days spending all his nights and morning going back and forth between the base and his companies and along with all those Jimin fell victim to his neglect, barely seeing him during a speedy dinner.

" Alright, make sure the things I asked for are done as soon as possible"

" Are you sure about that? Won't it affects us " yoongi asked brows raised in worry, he knows the moves and plan he was about to execute weren't the best and if he was honest he wasn't sure himself of the consequences, but something has to be done, and stopping all the underground work as well as all the recent deals he got with other mafias especially the Italian was the best he could think of, a lot of his black men were getting killed.

" We still have the companies running and it will only be temporary till this situation is solved"

" Okay then, I'll inform you if any inconveniences occur"

It was 9 pm when Jungkook finally makes it back home, even after promising yoongi to go straight home and please the angry wolf he left behind, he still couldn't stop himself from checking jeon corporation and eventually ended up working till late, it was not that he didn't trust namjoon with it but he was still the CEO and he should go over at least from time to time, he was being a lazy pig since Jimin came, it wasn't that he didn't work at all but he has to admit he did way less than before knowing the younger, comparing to before he did nothing and only trusting everything to his hyungs.

Coming back to the angry wolf, he was indeed in the living room with a pout that reaches his nose.

Jungkook sighed softly, threading his fingers through his dark locks. Watching his mother and taehyung trying to make the younger speaker, he knows about his mother's endeavors to get closer to jimin to which the latter declined politely each time, he doesn't know what to think about it in all honesty nor does he want to know.

he sighed once again and made his way toward his husband fully expecting how this is going to end. The fact that he and Jimin could hold a conversation now and talk without so much anger and mope, is out of the picture, so three possibilities are highly anticipated - Jimin will either ignore him for days or lash out at him for all night long and the not so predictable one he would sob on his shoulder and refuses to let go till he feels like it, something that will never happen -  each one is worse than the other and Jungkook doesn't know if his exhausted ass could cooperate with him.

Jimin makes his way toward the empty couch and takes a seat, hoping to shut taehyung and the old woman up for once after they have made it their job to annoy him for almost two hours now, telling him to just relax and take a seat, which he couldn't and refused to do, only to have them both more panicked as if he's committing a murderer just by doing some workout to distract his mind from planing an actual murder.

He hates blood, he always concluded but these past two months seem like it's the only thing he's been lusting for and since his husband wasn't that great this past week at making him feel better, the urge is incredibly increasing at a quick pace and somehow it's tagging from inside him asking and begging to test this new feeling on his husband.

"Hey, beautiful" A deep voice said from his side, speaking of the devil.

" Yeah hey " Jimin looks up at the man in question and scoffs, he knows he must be exhausted it appears clear in his face but somehow he can't help himself, nor his mouth.

"What are you doing here, I thought you had something more interesting to do at work, weird seeing you home this early you could take another week " 

"I know you're mad darling but I didn't mean to leave you "

Mad is an understatement, Jimin was fuming, he wishes he can skin out his husband and cut him to pieces but, unfortunately, he can't, he loves him.

"Oh no way, really! " The irony in his voice didn't even let Jungkook have hopes to end this faster.

"I really just got caught up in things that ar-.."

"More important than me, we get it " The smaller man rises from his seat and makes his way out of the living room not even waiting for Jungkook to reply.

"Well, you broke your records," taehyung said from beside him, looking toward the way the smaller just went.

" I was busy"

" You know he doesn't actually care about the reasons"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked away following Jimin to the back garden, he felt as if he was going to pass some high school teenager exam so he was stressing the hell out. He took a deep breath before opening the back door and found the smaller one sprawled out on the floor with his eyes closed.

Upon sensing his presence Jimin opened his eyes and glared up at him,

" don't you have anything better to do than annoy me? "

Jungkook felt his inside tighten and hurried to sit down on the couch in front of Jimin. The last thing he wants to do is snap at Jimin but he was exhausted and his headache wasn't helping him, he needed to calm down before running his mouth especially when his husband is being this overdramatic and oversensitive,  so he doesn't say anything for a while and just presses his lips tightly and intertwine his hands together on his knees.

it takes him minutes to calm down fully and when he has, Jimin is already looking at him straight in his eyes with a mixture of regret and guilt.

" Look hyungie, I really do understand, you don't need to explain yourself or anything but to be honest I can't wrap my hands around my feeling, I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't let them out,  I'm really sorry for making it harder for you "

"come over here, "  Jungkook said and opened his arms, Jimin crawls across the floor directly into Jungkook's lap, burying his face in the taller chest, the latter wrapped both his arms around Jimin's middle, holding onto him tightly.

" It's okay, I understand too " Jungkook whispered in his ear.

" You don't need to say anything baby, just close your eyes and relax "

Jimin nuzzles further against Jungkook's neck taking on the comforting touch, for a long moment he just sits there in that close embrace listening to the quiet whispers of sweet reassurances that the taller murmured into his ear every few seconds, his fingers discarding through Jeongguk's hair.

At some point, after what seems hours  Jimin pulls away from Jungkook, just enough so that he's able to see his face and reach for his cheek slowly but softly thumbing the skin of it.

" you know I love you right, no matter how bitchy I can get sometimes "

With a soft smile, Jungkook kisses Jimin's forehead and cheeks, " I love you too "

They are both aware how those three words are always lacking in their relationship, they don't say them much and they don't hear them much, but hey that's the charm of it. Repeating something over and over again will eventually make it either annoying or a norm, it will lose the depth of it's meaning, and never mentioning it will leave a big hollow in your life, so just be in between.

The middle is always a good solution, don't rush and don't hold back, be rational.

With that Jungkook leaned forward and sealed their lips together, it was slow and filled with warmth, taking in all the intimacy they have been missing for days.

Sorry if this is short💓

I've been meaning to as you , if liking a certain quotes or sentence you've read in a fanfic or a story and you just decided to use it in your own stories , does that consider as copying and stealing other people work ??

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