trip to the past

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ARC2/CHP22: trip to the past

Jimin shifted slightly in Jungkook's embrace, his breath coming out in soft, shallow puffs. He mustered the strength to speak, his voice weak and interrupted by occasional breaths of discomfort.

"Do you hate him?" Jimin's voice was barely audible against the curve of Jungkook's neck, carried away by the soft breeze of his shallow breaths.

Jungkook, mindful of the fragility of the moment, paused for a brief second, his fingers continuing their gentle motion on Jimin's waist. The question had stirred a dormant storm within him, resurrecting emotions he had wrestled with for years. "Who, Grandpa?" he clarified, seeking clarity amidst the chaos that swirled within.

 Jimin nodded slightly, wincing as a sudden, severe stomach ache coursed through his weakened body " Mhm," he replied, his voice strained.

Jungkook sighed softly, his grip on Jimin tightening slightly, offering both physical and emotional support. "I do feel a lot of anger towards him," he confessed, his voice laced with bitterness. "But at the same time, I can't bring myself to completely hate him. It's complicated."

Jimin's brow furrowed, pain etched across his delicate features. Despite his own suffering, he was curious to unravel the intricate tapestry of Jungkook's emotions. "Why?" he managed to ask, his voice barely a whisper, as if afraid of the answer that awaited him.

Jungkook, mindful of the fragility of the moment, gently kissed the top of Jimin's head, his fingers slowing their rhythmic movement on Jimin's stomach. He had pondered this question countless times, trying to reconcile the love and hate that waged war within him. "Despite what happened," he began, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and resolution, "if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be standing here as a strong boss. I owe him that much. He made me stronger."

Jimin winced again, the dull ache in his body a constant reminder. But amidst the pain, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he looked up at Jungkook. "Noah told me he... l-loved you the most," he said, his voice filled with both curiosity and a hint of vulnerability.

Jungkook's hand stilled on Jimin's waist as he considered Jimin's words. Memories from the past flooded his mind, each one unraveling a piece of his complex history. "Maybe in a way," he replied, his voice carrying a touch of melancholy. "Noah wasn't able to see what was behind that love. He wasn't allowed, and neither was anyone else. Not even Yun."

Confusion etched across Jimin's face as he furrowed his brows. "Yun?" he asked, trying to make sense of the name.

Jungkook nodded, confirming Jimin's question. "Jonghyun," he clarified. "In our world, showing off love was a must. It was a way to assert dominance and ensure that no one dared approach Jeon Dak-ho's heir or dream of taking his place".

Jimin's eyes fluttered shut, exhaustion weighing heavily on his weary body. "So, he did make you go through a lot?" Jimin whispered, his voice tinged with sadness.

Jungkook leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Jimin's temple, his voice filled with tenderness. "Strength comes in many forms, Jimin," he said softly. "It's not just about physical prowess or power. It's about the resilience to keep moving forward, to face the challenges that come our way. We were a family of mafias and criminals, living in a world that only recognizes the stronger ones."

Jimin let out a tired sigh, his body growing heavier against Jungkook with each passing moment, "It must have been hard," he murmured, his words laced with sorrow.

Jungkook's gaze grew distant, his eyes fixed on a painful memory that had etched itself deeply within his soul. "What was truly hard," he began, his voice tinged with a mixture of anguish and frustration, "was watching my brothers break right before my eyes, and yet, I couldn't do anything about it. I was molded to be emotionless, incapable of intervening in their suffering."

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