Whispers in the Rain

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ARC2 / CHP 25: whispers in the rain

        The sound of rain pattering against the windowpane echoed through the dimly lit room, intensifying the woman's already heightened nerves. She paced back and forth, her mind consumed by a harrowing decision she had made. With trembling hands, she picked up her phone and dialed the familiar number she had sworn she would never call again. Each ring seemed to amplify her anxiety as if every second she waited was a torment unto itself. Finally, a voice answered on the other end, laced with surprise and suspicion.

"Who's this?" the gravelly voice demanded, his tone revealing a mixture of astonishment and wariness.

"It's me," she replied, her voice filled with urgency.

There was a pregnant pause, a moment of tension hanging in the air before a small chuckle broke through the line. "Well, when I sent you there, I didn't think you would actually be able to escape," the man on the other end said, his amusement evident.

"There's no time for your flattery," she retorted, her tone turning sharp and serious. "It's not thanks to you that I escaped. Something happened in the mansion. All the inside guards were gone, except for the outside guards. I managed to blend in with a group of people who were leaving. They appeared to be doctors."

The villain's initial intrigue melted into skepticism. "You can't expect me to believe that the guards didn't see you with the doctors or that you weren't locked inside the mansion."

"I was wearing white, all right," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of exasperation. "Jeon paid me a visit. He looked exhausted, pale, and on the brink of passing out. He was ready to kill. But when one of his trusted men came and informed him that everything was ready, he left immediately, forgetting to lock the basement behind him."

The man on the other end of the line fell silent, the value of her words sinking in. "Let's say I believe you," he finally said, taking a deep breath. "You wanted your son, and I gave you the location. The condition was clear: I needed inside information. If you have none to offer, then your call is meaningless. I'm not helping you with anything."

The woman felt a wave of frustration wash over her. She had come this far, risking everything, only to be met with doubt and suspicion. The man on the other end of the line was known for his cunning and manipulation, but she had hoped that their shared history would make him more inclined to trust her. She had underestimated his skepticism.

"No, wait," she pleaded, desperation creeping into her voice."  they may not be valuable for you anymore but I do have information"

The room fell into a heavy silence, mirroring the weight of their unspoken thoughts. Outside, raindrops danced relentlessly on the windowpane, their rhythmic pattern amplifying the tension in the air. The man, deep in contemplation, regarded the ceiling, his brows furrowed in deep thought.

Finally, breaking the stifling stillness, his voice emerged, trembling with a mixture of caution and curiosity. "Well," he began, his words carefully chosen, "tell me the beans." His tone betrayed a yearning to know, yet tempered by a sense of apprehension.

The woman, conflicted and hesitant, found herself caught in a precarious dilemma. Revealing what she held within her heart was a daunting prospect. Yet, with no other viable option, she summoned the courage to speak the truth. She knew that by sharing this information, she might just have a chance to reunite with her long-lost son, even if only once.

Taking a deep breath, her voice quivered slightly as she replied, "Your experiment... it isn't entirely fruitless." The words hung in the air, pregnant with meaning. They carried with them the hopes and dreams of a mother yearning for a glimpse of the child she had lost.

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