Pantelleria reunion

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ARC2/ CHP 19: Pantelleria reunion

⚠ Content Warning: This chapter contains sensitive material and violence toward children

In Pantelleria, Italy, an old man sat outside his charming house, savoring the tranquility of his surroundings. His face bore the marks of a life well-lived, with silver hair shimmering under the sun's gentle rays. Despite his age, his features exuded a timeless grace, reflecting the wisdom and experiences he had amassed over the years.

The old man, a paragon of quiet strength, found solace in life's simple pleasures. His house, an exquisite blend of modernity and tradition, stood as a testament to his refined taste. Its whitewashed walls, adorned with creeping ivy, held silent stories of bygone generations. The fusion of weathered stone accents and contemporary touches embodied the delicate balance between preserving heritage and embracing progress.

Lost in contemplation, the old man reveled in the serenity that enveloped him. The mingling scent of wildflowers and the salty breeze created a harmonious symphony, accompanied by the distant echoes of waves caressing the shore. As his thoughts drifted, a voice broke the peaceful stillness, interrupting his reverie.

"Old man, you've made it quite difficult to find you," Jungkook's voice resonated through the air, jolting the old man out of his contemplation. He turned his head, his composed demeanor veiling the surprise that surged within. Their gazes met, and a whirlwind of emotions flickered across the old man's countenance—surprise, disbelief, and confusion.

A calm smile curved the old man's lips, his eyes sparkling with a hidden amusement. "What a surprise," he chuckled softly. "Never expected to meet you again. Thought you made a pact to never willingly mingle with the Jeon clan."

Jungkook, standing before him, remained indifferent to the reunion. His expression betrayed no emotion as he regarded the old man, the old man's words seemed to bounce off him, leaving no impact on his detached facade.

"I didn't break anything," Jungkook replied, his eyes fixed on the old man as he took in his older version. "Legally speaking, you are considered deceased. Only I am aware of your existence. Talking to you now feels like talking to a ghost."

The old man's smile deepened, lines etching around his eyes as he observed Jungkook's stoic demeanor. "Ah, but aren't ghosts fascinating creatures?" he mused, his voice hinting nostalgia. "They linger in the shadows, bound by memories and untold stories. And yet, here I am before you, defying the boundaries of life and death."

Leaning back in his weathered wooden chair, the old man's eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and wisdom. "But let us not dwell on the past, Jungkook. Instead, tell me, what brings you to this secluded corner of Pantelleria? why would you make such trouble as to look for your old grandpa "

Jungkook's façade remained unyielding, his gaze piercing and inscrutable. "I seek answers," he admitted, his voice steady. "Answers that have eluded me for far too long. And I believe you hold the key to unlocking the truth."

The old man chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with understanding, " as expected " he said and leaned forward, his weathered hands resting on his knees. "Indeed, there are many secrets buried in the depths of our family's history. Secrets that I thought would remain concealed forever. But it seems that fate has a way of bringing them to light."

Jungkook's brows furrowed slightly, a flicker of impatience crossing his face. "I don't have time for riddles, codger,  tell me what you have with the SE project," he said, throwing the document and metal object he got from the orphanage toward the old man, and it landed on his lap.

The elderly man's gaze shifted toward the assortment of documents and metal objects resting on his lap. His eyes displayed a hint of surprise and a moment of deep thought as if revisiting the hidden memories contained within. With a graceful gesture, he picked up the documents, his fingers tracing the faded ink with the utmost respect.

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