a/n. i feel like shit

409 23 29

This is not important for you , but it is for me so read if you are curious ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Hi guys. I don't think I'm going to update today.

I'm not doing mentally alright.

I think Wattpad is out there to get me or something, I've been receiving messages from them that my stories (3 of my books) are switched to mature content, for three days in a row.

I was okay with it to be honest but than this afternoon I  got another message from them informing me that my book ( torpid /jikook) has been removed . I understood at first cause i thought it was just unpublished for policy things... But then when i looked for it i found out it was totally deleted and no way to get it back .

The worst is that i trusted Wattpad policy and security so much that i haven't saved it somewhere else. So it's gone forever.

As well as some chapters from one of my unpublished stories.

It sucks to lose something you worked hard on and love it and proud of..

Honestly I'm lost . I hate the most working and failin or losing.

So i guess.... I don't know .

traumatic love / JikookWhere stories live. Discover now