'Tear'- Final Chapter 45

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The clock was ticking slower than my fast heartbeat as I looked around in this white room. Don't cry, I kept repeating in my head as I was waiting for the woman that would be my therapist. Everyone keeps saying they're proud of me, but I'm getting cold feet... Like always.

My eyes looked around nervously from left to right not knowing what to do with the knot in my chest. Look! A painting of a... bird.

Ugh... What am I even doing. Shifting my attention never works for me.

A shivering sigh escaped my cold lips as I felt tears pricking in my eyes more and more every second; why is it at moments likes these I can't seem to turn off my emotions? Literally nothing is wrong, it's just a first meeting with someone.

Again I deeply sighed and slowly sunk in like a balloon that looses it's air. My hands held my head while I closed my eyes for a second; existing was easier this way. For me, it has always been easier to see things from a lethargic perspective anyways.

I suddenly looked up and got an idea as a big smile appeared onto my face;

What if-

No... I can't do that. I will let down Mi-Cha and Jimin if I do that.

But imagine if it is possible...

My smile grew bigger as I tried to repress this; I don't want to secretly walk away. I need help.

But do I actually want help or is this because Mi-Cha, Jimin and my brother asked me to. I could've just died and no one would've had troubles - including me.

The smile appeared back onto my face thinking of all that I could do.

I quickly shook my head and stood up thinking this would actually help stop my weird, non-logical thoughts.

'No.' I said to myself softly out loud, 'THIS is exactly why I need help.'

If I'm even capable of being saved...

Again I sighed deeply; not out of anxiety this time - but because of frustration. It's like there's always either a little devil or angel inside of my head. Or they're fighting; just like now. It's both the same person, however in a different font, a different mindset - if that makes sense.

Before noticing, I quickly stood up with a fast heartbeat as the door opened. That will be my therapist, there is no going back now...

A few hours later

Mi-Cha's POV

Jimin and I had arranged a surprise for Abraxas when he would come home after therapy today. I overheard their conversation on the phone while Jimin asked him to come live with us for a while; this way we could not only keep an eye on him and make sure he went to therapy;

But it was also good for Taehyung to connect with his sibling after all these years.

Next to that, I have discovered another surprise for Jimin and me. But I'll keep that a secret until the dinner.

Jimin's POV

'I'll go get it!' The doorbell rang as Mi-Cha happily walked towards the door. She was wearing a beautiful black dress as I was wearing my black matching suit. After all, it's a party and Christmas season is in a month already! It's nice to dress up like this again.

'Hey!' I heard Taehyung's enthousiastic voice from the door as he and his brother were the last to arrive.

Mi-Cha's POV

I smiled to see Jimin hugging Taehyung as he happily looked at me for a moment. It was good to see everyone together again; without any drama, hurt, family issues or manipulation.

"Tear" - Park Jimin AU Where stories live. Discover now