17: The coronation

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Kitiara inhaled and exhaled

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Kitiara inhaled and exhaled.

What's better than meditation in the morning ?

A knock interrupted the air bender's concentration.

" Come in. " The woman shouted.

The Beifong opened the door to see one of Kuvira's men.

" Good morning, commander. " The man bowed his head in respect.

" Good morning to you too. Do you have anything to tell me, soldier ? "

" Yes, mistress Kuvira and master Baatar [I am awful with the formalities] would like you to accompany them for breakfast. They will be waiting for you in their suite in 15 minutes. " The man informed Kitiara and took his leave.

The woman closed the door and run to get dressed.

She looked herself in the mirror deciding not wear any make up but to fix a little her hair.

When she was satisfied with how her hair looked, she left the room and walked down the aisle.

Her eyes fell on Bolin's room, he must be still sleeping.

She reached Kuvira's room and knocked on the door.

A soldier answered. After slightly bowing his head, he lead the air bender in the balcony to join Kuvira and Baatar.

They were both suited in a table, next to each other. The breakfast was already served while they were conversation silently.

" The commander is here. " The man stated before leaving the three people alone.

Kitiara sat across the table and started eating, like everyone.

" So, what do you think should I step down or not ? " Kuvira asked locking eye contact with her friend.

The air bender raised an eyebrow. Not even a good morning. This question must have been troubling her.

" I told her not to. Have you seen Wu ? The guy is an immature idiot. We can't step down and watch him destroy what we worked so hard to build. " Baatar said and drunk some of his tea.

Kitiara took a second to think. " I believe that Baatar is right. We should continue our work, unite the whole nation and be sure that when we step down, there's a leader with brain cells ready to take over. "

Kuvira nodded in agreement. " You've got a point. Our first priority is to bring the whole nation together and we can't do this with that child being around. "


" Now rise, Wu of the Hou-Ting Dynasty, King of all the Earth Lands and glorious defender of Ba Sing Se. Long may you reign! " Gun stepped aside to allow to the new king to speak with the crowd.

" Thank you, for that incredibly brief, but very moving ceremony. I am touched by the love of my devoted countrymen, who have worked so hard to restore their beloved leader to the throne. One of them deserves special attention. " Wu said and glanced at Kuvira.

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